Chapter 3

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Rule number one is when Jensen says don't worry; you should worry. I was running around this hockey house, trying to find Jensen as she ran off somewhere. One second, we went to the kitchen to get some drinks, and the next thing I knew, I turned around to give her the drink, and I was handing Jensen's drink to some stranger who was waiting behind me.

I've searched this house from top to bottom, and I am still trying to find where Jensen is. We weren't drunk when we left the dorms. Sure, we were pretty tipsy, but we were still able to call an Uber to pick us up. I saw our neighbor Becca, who lives across the hall from Jensen and me. As I approached Becca, she pulled me against her, trying to get me to dance. Becca is definitely drunk, but I figure I'll try to see if she has seen Jensen.

Becca smiles. " Oh My God, Brynn!! You're here!! You never come to parties. What are you doing here?" she asks.

Everyone knows I don't go to parties, so Becca was pretty shocked to see me.

"Jensen dragged me here, and now I have lost her. Do you know where she is? Have you seen her?" I ask Becca and her friends

All of them shook their heads, but one girl. I don't know her name, but I know I've seen her talk to Jensen a couple of times.

"I saw her go upstairs with one of the hockey players," she says

I sigh, knowing once Jensen is in the zone with a guy, she is 'in the zone,' but since they don't know which player it is, I still have to find her and make sure nothing terrible is happening.

"Okay, Thanks, girls. I'll catch you later." I say, walking away.

I marched up the stairs on my mission to find Jensen. At this point, the alcohol has worn off, and I want to leave. I opened and closed multiple doors with many' I'm sorry' as I interrupted a couple of people. I reach the last door and see Jensen making out with a tall, very muscular guy. I think to myself, 'Go, Jens." 

I've seen this guy before. It's Jason Mitchell. As Jensen says, he is one of the top guys on the hockey team, and that's about all I know. I don't follow hockey, so I don't know much about positions and all that stuff. But he is one of Jensen's makeout buddies, so I leave them be.

I head back downstairs and decide to get another drink because I am not going to leave without her, so I head back to Becca's group and party with them. I guess I'll try to have some fun while I'm here.

It's around 3 am, and everybody has pretty much left. I am standing here all alone, debating what to do. I really want to leave, but I also don't want to leave Jensen here by herself and let her think I abandoned her. 

I decided I should go get Jensen. As I turned around from staring outside the window, I crashed into what seemed like a brick wall and fell onto my ass. Damn, how much did I drink? As I look up, I see a 6-foot giant hovering over me. I shot up onto my feet.

He looks at me. "Are you okay? That was a hard fall."

I just stared for a second, distracted by his ocean-blue eyes, robust facial features, and muscular body. I shook those thoughts out of my mind and quickly responded.

"Yeah, I'm fine. My friend is upstairs with one of the guys who lives here, and I'm kinda waiting for her to finish up so we can leave," I said, trying to stay calm.

He looks at me and says, "Do you know who she is with? I can tell you how much longer it will be."

I feel like I am waiting at the auto body shop, asking how much longer my car is going to be with that response of his.

"She is with Jason Mitchell," I say unsurely. "Yeah, I think that's his name," I spit out.

Wow, I can barely form a sentence. I'm a mixture of drunk and having a gorgeous man standing in front of me, not a good mix.

He laughs. Wait, did I say that out loud?

"Yes, you did." he winked. "If she is with Mitchell, she will be here all night, so I suggest you head home."

I groan in my head. "I can't just leave her here," I say with a worried tone. The guy, whose name I don't know, stares at me for a second. "If you really want to, you can crash here for the night. I'll let you stay in my room."

I Internally freak out. He wants me to stay in his room! With him? What if he tries to have sex with me? What if he forces me to do something? I dont think this is a good idea.

Before I could come up with any other situation that could happen, he cut my thoughts off.

"If you are worried that I will try to do something to you, don't. I'll sleep on the floor, and you can get my bed," he says

I look at my phone and see it is almost 3:30 in the morning, and I'm honestly too tired even to talk anymore I give in and nod, signaling him an okay and let him take the lead to his room.

As we approached his room, I was surprised at how clean it was. Aren't frat guys, or I guess in this case, college athletes complete slobs? Well, I guess not this guy, whose name I still don't know.

I look down, and I'm still in my jeans and crop top. I wonder if he will let me change into a shirt or something. Figured I'd ask

"Hey, um..." I start to say as I don't know his name

He gets the hint and continues, " Carter, my name is Carter."

So that's his name.

"I'm Brynnley. Anyway, do you have a shirt or something I can change into? I really dont want to sleep in jeans and a crop top," I said

He nods and hands me an oversized shirt,

"Um, do you have somewhere I can change?" I ask, trying to avoid eye contact

Man, Brynnley, can you be any more awkward?

"Yeah, through that door right there is a bathroom." He says

I nod and head towards the door he is pointing at. Once I'm done, I head to the queen size bed and lie down. Carter is making his temporary bed on the floor.

I feel bad he is letting me sleep on his bed, and he is sleeping on the floor of his own room.

"I really don't mind sleeping on the floor if you want your bed. I feel bad you are sleeping on the floor. It's your room," I say

He looks at me for a moment. "I would feel bad if I let you sleep on my floor as my guest. Really, I don't mind. Make yourself comfy," He says

I sigh, knowing I'm not winning this battle.

Once we were both settled in, within seconds, we both fell asleep.

Chapter 3 is up! Thank you for reading. I really hope you like it. Please make sure to share, vote, and comment with any suggestions!

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