Chapter 8

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After my long shift, I head to my car around 8 pm. I can't even turn on the radio because I can't even think right now. One second I was dealing with Mr. Jonas and his bull shit attitude, and the next thing I knew, the guy I spent the night with last night was his son. At least Carter didn't get his manners from his dad.

I pull into the school's parking lot, park my car, and take a deep breath. Man, I have a lot of explaining to do to Jensen.

I make my way to the dorm, holding my keys in my left hand and my pepper spray in my right. You always have to be safe on campus, especially at night. I approached my door and unlocked it. I walk in and see Jensen at her desk, doing something on her computer, but stops when she sees me walk in.

Jensen stood up with her arms crossed as if she were about to give me a lecture.

"You've got some explaining to do about last night. To be honest, I don't remember much. All I can recall are you waking me up in a frantic state like the world was ending," she said in a confused state.

I drop my bag to the floor and faceplant onto my bed.

"Please let me decompress from the day I just had, and then I will fill you in on everything," I say, trying to get comfortable.

Jensen hops on her bed facing me, her legs crisscrossed. That is the position we sit in when we have drama talk, and man, do I have some drama.

I sit up in the same position she is and tell her all about the party. I fill her in from trying to find her, seeing her with Jason, partying with Becca, and lastly, standing alone in the house and ending up sleeping in Carter's room.

"YOU SLEEP WITH WHO!!" She said with a shocked expression

I shake my head quickly so she doesn't get the wrong impression.

"I didn't sleep with him; I simply just crashed in his room because I didn't want to leave you alone and woke up to find him in bed with me," I say nonchalantly.

"Brynn!! Do you even realize who he is!! He is captain of the hockey team!! He is the biggest player on campus. There is no way he just let you sleep in his room without doing anything." Jensen said

"Well, that is all that happened, but Jens. But that's not all, it gets worse." I say, placing my face in my hands

Jensen sits up more, waiting to hear the rest of this drama

"So you know how I talk about that one member at work that I absolutely hate! Mr. Jones," I say

She nods her head

"Well, he came in today with his co-worker and his son, and you will never believe who his son is!"

Jensen slams her hands over her mouth, knowing who I'm about to say "No fucking way, It's Carter, isn't it?. Carter's last name is Jones. Please don't tell me.."

"Yup, Carter fucking Jones came in with his dad, but as I was getting his dad and co-worker's orders, I turned around and slammed right into him just like I did last night," I say as I get chills thinking about that embarrassing interaction.

Jensen is gasping, but I continue.

"But there is more," I say, as Jensen looks like she can't handle hearing any more of this. Honestly, I don't want to think about it anymore, either.

"As I am getting their food orders, he asks how he knows me because I look familiar," I say

"No way he said that," Jensen said, still in shock

"Yup, I told him I'd seen him at school, but he then said that he remembered me from the party last night, which I am kind of glad he remembers, but how embarrassing to say in front of his dad, who already thinks so low of me," I say with a sigh

"You shouldn't care what they think about you. You are a strong, badass bitch" She said as I giggled

"But on the bright side, once they all left, Carter stayed back to give me a $50 tip, and then he says, 'I'll see you around campus,'" I say, feeling giddy on the inside

Jensen looks at me with that protective look I usually give to her

"Brynn, you got to be careful around him. He plays with girl's hearts. Don't get attached to him. I know you have only just met him, but if you see him again, don't give him the time of day. I don't want you to get hurt." Jensen said with a worried look

I nod. "Trust me, Jens, I am just focusing on my schooling and work. I don't have the time of day to pay any attention to any guys." I say firmly

"I'm not saying don't give attention to any guys. Girl, you need a boyfriend." Jensen said as she got off her bed and walked back to her desk.

I laughed. "Yeah, will see."

I got out of my work clothes, put my robe on, and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. I hop in. Wow, this feels amazing. My body really needed this hot shower. Once I'm done, I go back into my room. Get settled in and ended my night watching Grey's Anatomy. Hopefully, I can have a lovely, peaceful weekend.

Chapter 8 is up! Thank you so much for reading! I'll try to update every day. I hope you are enjoying this! Please like, share, and vote! Have an amazing day!!
word count - 932

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