Two x reader (part TWO)

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ten kajillion years later and this is what I have to show for it, smh

anyways this is heavily based off of personal headcanons so I hope you enjoy Two being a nervous wreck or whatever this 2am brainrot bs is

there will be more parts soon! I'm contemplating on putting these into a separate book, would you guys like that?


            You get pulled out of consciousness gradually. What time is it...? Why am I... waking up? You're unsure of what time it is, but some kind of awareness can bring you to infer that it's still the middle of the night. No golden rays shining through the hotel windows. Only silence. And labored breathing. Labored breathing... You groan softly, mind foggy with being asleep so deeply. Who... who is that? Two? Your memories from yesterday gradually fill in the blanks as you sit up in the pitch black living room, blankets kicked off the couch during rest.

          Labored breathing. You keep hearing the hushed sobs, but the disturbance won't quite process. You're driven to get up, a light shining through the crack of the door across the room. Their door is open. You understand now, your tired feet dragging on the floor as you make your way to the room with an unprocessed cause, unfortunately. Nobody is in bed, though. The bathroom door is open, shaky, heavy breathing barely audible against the ambience. "Two?" a gasp. A squeak of something falling. You walk towards the open door, making out a small silhouette on the floor. 

             Something clicks, and you finally wake up, the panic setting in as the figure's hushed sobs continue, although more aggressive and shallow with your appearance. "Oh, math... this isn't a dream anymore." You hear them whisper, just barely able to tell what they're saying. You reach out, kneeling down and touching the body in front of you. Your hand brushes against the side of a face, the soft pelt soaked with tears. "Two... Are you okay?" You feel them throw themself onto you, shaking almost violently as they make a desperate attempt to grasp onto you. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm- I-" They let out a loud sob against your chest, making you jump with the sudden vocalization. You make the decision to wrap your arms around the integer, hands caressing their head and back in a groggy attempt to calm the poor being. You decide it's probably better to just go through with this. 

            "Two... Don't be sorry, you're alright. It's okay, I'm right here." You murmur, and their grip tightens on the clothing covering your back, their arms trembling with the effort of how tightly they're squeezing you. Two's chest heaves with hurried, shallow breaths, whimpers and sobs slipping out as your front is soaked with tears. You hold them close, careful not to let go as you sit back against the bathroom wall, putting your legs out in front of you. "Shh... shhh... there, there... I've got you, it's okay. It's okay. Breathe, Two. Deep breaths." 

            They still tremble violently, their shaky limbs wrapped around you tight, but as you soothe them their grip begins to loosen. You continue the gentle words of reassurance, rubbing their back slowly as they regain a normal breathing pattern. They whimper something into your chest, their voice shaky and soft. "What? Are you okay?" They nod, still shaking like a wet cat as they grab your hand, grip tight as they slide it against their face. They sigh shakily, leaning into the touch. "I'm so sorry..." they murmur, tears falling onto your hand, another hushed sob escaping them as you press your hand against their face, stroking their cheek with your thumb gently. 

            They still grip you as if you could disappear at any given moment. "Don't be sorry. You're perfectly safe with me, I promise. I'm not going anywhere." They let another loud, vocal sob, beginning to shake violently once more as another wave comes on. "Okay. Okay. come here." You murmur, wrapping your arms around them securely. "Please... I can't!" They sob loudly, clutching onto you. You get on your knees, with Two still in your arms as you slowly stand up. "It's okay. I got you. I got you." You soothe, stumbling a little bit in the dark as you find their bed. 

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