Two x Reader (part 1 of ???)

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hey guys

I hope you like British digits 

there's not enough Two content so I'm changing that starting now, idk how many parts there'll be, but uh.... yeah. It's gonna be a slow burn and maybe lemon eventually so yay

also I'm working on the 79 oneshot next so to my people coming here from my tumblr don't worry, you will be fed

anyways enough chitter chatter here's your  food, Two simps.


          You're utterly lost. It's cold, and the sun is starting to set. The yellow grass, despite being yellow, isn't actually dead, which is strange. You have no idea how you ended up here, and it seemed like you were minding your business in your own world not that long ago. You were just about to go to work, which you hate, when suddenly, you felt a strange whooshing sensation, and you were on some landmass in the middle of nowhere in the blink of an eye.

         You decided to walk, in hopes of finding some kind of civilization in this strange place. All the while, you've been wracking your brain to find any possible explanation on how this could've happened. You curse. "This better just be some crazy dream... I can't be late to work again." you mutter, shaking your head as you trek on. You see a large building as you get closer, and several small structures littered about the location. You break into a run, hoping that there might be people there. "Hey! I HATE people that run away suspiciously!" you hear someone yell, and you trip over your own feet, the loud voice startling you. You faceplant in the weird grass, groaning in pain as the wind is knocked out of you. After a few minutes of just lying there and catching your breath, you sit up slowly to a very strange sight. A bunch of... giant, living objects surround you, leaning over you and gawking.

           They clamor and discuss wildly about you, hushing once they realize you're awake. There's a fan, a marker, a bag, a bell, and... a literal piece of folded paper..? You stand up hurriedly, staring back at them with equal confusion. The silence is crushing, all of the strange object people staring at you in shock without saying a word. They're like objects, at least, given the fact that they are much larger than the ones you see every day, they're only a few feet tall and you tower over them at your full height. 

          They start whispering to each other again, and you just look at them awkwardly. "Uh... hi. What... are you?" They gasp, starting to shout questions left and right as you speak. "So you can TALK?" "Are you a human?" "What kind of object are you?" "What's your name???" "you're weird looking!" "Pencil!" "She's, like, right, you know..." they crowd you, knocking you back down and bombarding you with questions and discussing among themselves loudly. 

          "W-wait, I- uh-!" you fumble for a response, freaked out by this weird situation you're in, unsure of how to react to so many questions being thrown at you at once. Someone clapping and speaking above the small crowd grabs your attention, along with theirs. "Ahem! Contestants! What seems to be all the ruckus out here? What's going on?" a British accented, masculine sounding voice calls out. The crowd parts and scatters a little bit, leaving you sitting in the center of the ring in the dirt. You see a green, two shaped creature standing there, presumably the owner of that voice. 

         What... the actual crud is happening..? They catch your eyes, their own going wide as they step towards you. "Oh my... everyone, go back to your rooms. I'll-"Aw man I HATE being left out of things!" "Is it not supposed to be here? Intriguing!" "Yeah Two, what's going on?! Did you-" "All of you, hush, please!" The green integer hold their hands out, motioning for the object people to quiet down as they break out into shouting and arguing. Several of them scoff, with the occasional "C'mon so-and-so, let's..." and y'know, as they gradually leave the two of you (get it, because... Two... and... nevermind.), looking back every now and then to look at you curiously. 

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