Done deal

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Jungkook followed Jimin around the room as he got ready.
"Sorry baby...."
Jimn rolled his eyes and carried on wincing as he bent to tie his shoes.
"Let me....."
"Stop it Kookie I'm not an invalid!"
"But I shouldn't have gone so hard on you just because I was jealous!.....does it hurt?"
"Have I complained....maybe I like rough sex maybe it turns me on more for goodness sake stop acting like I'm a china doll that will break!"
Jimins words turned Jungkook on no end and he grabbed him spinning him to face him.
"Really you like it rough too,maybe we should throw the interview and pursue that train of thought?"
Jimin couldn't help laughing.
"You are such a pervert! What I'm trying to say is being'adventurous' now and then doesn't hurt,it was just..... something me and my ass aren't used to....yet"
Jungkook grinned," I think under that angelic face lies a devil trying to break out....hmmm the possibilities are endless!"
A knock came at the door to announce the car was ready.
It didn't take long to get to the studio and honestly Jungkooks mind was now on other things.He caressed Jimin's thigh dangerously near to his crotch til Jimin slapped his hand away.
Jungkook pouted then fidgeted to rearrange himself.
"I'm horny," he whispered to Jimin
"Your like a kid who's been let loose in a candy jar, behave!"
Jungkook sulked and moved to look out the window,missing the smug look on Jimins face.
Once there they were introduced to various people then shown to a waiting room.
Jimin suddenly wondered why he was there he could barely speak English!
He rubbed his sweaty hands down his trousers watching the show on the screen.
"And now without further ado my next to guests you may have read about or seen,it's the great Jungkook with one of his dancers Jimin!!"
(Applause as they walked on stage and shook hands.)
"So....two concerts done and great reviews , three here in vegas and finally Hawaii?"
"Yes,we have enjoyed ourselves as always my fans here have been welcoming."
"You have a whole new dance troupe with you and this young man does a solo ,part way through....what brought that about?"
"Jimin studied modern dance and I thought he could showcase his talent,we also use it as a chance for me to have a few minutes before the next song"
"I couldn't help but notice Jimin that the endings each night were different?"
Jimin heard the question and gulped.
"Sorry English not very good,my dance little off second day."
"What Jimin means is unfortunately that day he was robbed and hit hard,but he was determined to carry on, he didn't let it be known until after but he's recovering now and will perform tomorrow night."
"Oh my goodness,I can only apologise on behalf of us law abiding Americans!
Now then ...would it be presumptuous to say you two are close ?"
Jungkook smirked," are you asking if he is my boyfriend? Well Jimin what do you say to that?"
Jimin saw the audience and the cameras aimed at him.
Taking a deep breath he said,
"We are couple?he's my boyfriend"
Whoops and cheers came from the audience and the host smiled.
"Well lovely to hear....but how accepting is your country,I understand things can be...less spoken about there?"
Jungkook squeezed Jimin's hand then spoke,
"It's true.....we may not be accepted there as a couple,but hopefully one day they will throw away their conservative view on the LGBTQ community which although not recognised has an ever growing population there,in some ways our country is very progressive in others not so much,older people still try conversion therapy on their family members to get them back to what they consider normal...."
"In this day and age things like that still exist?"
"Unfortunately yes but more and more families are accepting  their children's choices so as I say one day the government too may recognise ."
Loud clapping came from the audience.
"You seem to know what you want and I wish you both the best ,so let's talk now about after the concerts,what is Jungkook doing then?"
"I want to record a new album I've been writing constantly it's just a case of gathering them together..."
"And Jimin? What does a tour dancer do after the tour?"
Jimin was unable to say anything as he actually hadn't thought that far ahead,jungkook could see it on his face so he stepped in.
"A dancer is never out of work there are always,shows tours training....becoming a choreographer..."
Jimin smiled but Jungkook could see it wasn't real.
"Well I hope you both have a successful future....ladies and gentleman ,Jungkook and Jimin!"
The drive back towards the hotel was quiet until,
"Spit it out Jimin what's on your mind?"
"I hadn't thought about after the tour....i was in Layla land where we spend days together.....but it won't be like that will'll be off producing an album and I'll be in my little apartment looking for work....."
"Stop the car we will walk..."
The car stopped and the bodyguards got out then Jungkook and Jimin.
He hooked his arm through Jimins and strolled along the bodyguards a few feet behind.
They walked past majestic hotels,fountains with displays busy people rushing to where they wanted to go.
"Jimin this is as new to me as it is you,yer I've had partners but they were...well not as meaningful to me as you are,I can't say it will all be smooth sailing but I'm sure if we talk we can get through things....yes I'll be busy but I have a studio in my home where I work and well,I want you to move in with me......."
Jimin stopped walking and turned to Jungkook,
"You want me to live with you?"
"Yes.....isn't that what couples do?"
"Mmmm,but what if it starts irritating you having someone in your home,what if I have bad habits you hate?!?!"
"Then we sort it out but I want you there in my bed every night to cuddle with,"
"I suppose we could try if you don't like it you can throw me out," Jimin said matter of factly.
"I'd never do that,there's nothing I don't like about you...."
"Careful I'll be thinking you love me soon....oh wow look at that display!!" Jimin gazed open mouthed at the extraordinary display unaware of the effect his words had.
Jungkook stared at the small male who for all his bravado still saw himself as less worth than others it was if he fully accepted that people would find fault with him and it hurt Jungkook. He pulled Jimin to him planting a kiss on his forehead.
"What was that for?" Jimin smiled
"I'm happy you came into my life,"
"I'm happy to be here," Jimin kissed his cheek then tugged his arm." Can we go eat? I'm hungry"
Jungkook laughed then walked to the car that had been following.
"Anything special you want?"
"Erm,American hamburger and fries with a milkshake eaten in our room while we watch a movie!"
"You're on....."
They got back to their room,showered while they waited for their order,Jimin found cute pjs laying on the bed for him.
"Where did you get these?"
"I saw them when we shopped and got them delivered,"
"I love them !"
The little cartoon chick drawings all over reminded Jungkook of Jimin, small and cute his pouty lips like a little beak.
Dressed in them while Jungkook had casual sweats and t shirt on they sat on the sofas eating and watching a film.It was very relaxing.
"Ok I'll move in with you," Jimin said out of nowhere holding his hand out to shake on it.
"Great! It's a done deal," Jungkooks hand closed around the others tugging him to him," although I can think of a better way to seal the bargain!"
With that he stood up slinging Jimin over his shoulder laughing as the small male whined,
"My poor ass !"

My kinda guyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن