Stop ....I'm suffocating

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If I go now while they are eating........
Jimin threw back the covers slipping his feet to the floor.Standing up he took a deep breath tip toeing to the bathroom ,freezing as a floorboard squeaked.
Standing still he waited then let out the breath he'd been holding.
Getting into the bathroom he quickly washed up,shrugging as he felt the sting of water on his sore hands....its fine they are healing.....he glanced at the shower but thought it wouldn't give him enough time to make his escape,so he washed as thoroughly as he could and stepped out into his room.
"Going somewhere?"
"Aaaagh!fuck you scared the life out of me!" Jimin said turning to the male leaning against the wall near the bathroom.
"Well much as I appreciate the view you should put something on so you don't make your chill worse..."
About to answer back Jimin looked down then yelped running to the closet and hiding behind the door as he pulled sweatpants on,he hadn't expected anyone to be there so had stripped of in the bathroom and rushed out naked to dress and escape his room,now caught in the act by Jungkook no less.
Grabbing a hoody he shoved it over his head and left the security of the closet door.
"Ah...I should say that's better but I actually liked your previous outfit..." Jungkook smirked
"Forget you saw it..."
"Ah but now I'm imagining you commando under those pants and truthfully it's making me....a little hard..."
Jimins eyes automatically jolted down to look at the others crotch where the evidence showed.
"Stop it you pervert,why are you here?"
"Tut, that a nice way to talk to someone who helped take care of you?"
Jimin sighed... he'd been amazed when he woke from a deep sleep to find Tae and Jungkook in his room.when they told him what had happened he had just said,never mind things happen and had tried to get out of bed only to be told he wasn't allowed up and that he had to take medicine.
When he said he was ok they insisted he stay in bed and then came all the molly coddling,trying to make him eat,giving him drinks,tending to the wounds on his hands.
Jimin who wasn't used to this amount of fussing tried to show them he was just fine but things had got worse when Hobi came in,exclaiming how sorry he was,how thoughtless he'd been and he wouldn't forgive himself.
Jimin had tried to apologise for not being on time and that had made Hobi tearful, hugging the smaller male and insisting they wouldn't start until Jimin was healed and healthy.
The whole day and then this morning had been spent with Jimin being watched over like a hawk,the same again this morning until he had feigned sleep to get some peace.
Thats when he'd heard them murmur about going to lunch and letting him sleep he'd felt elated he could dress quickly and sneak over to the practice room and then they would realise he was ok.
"So care to explain?" Jungkook asked in a dominant voice.
Jimin pouted but instead asked," why aren't you eating lunch?"
"Hmmm,I knew pretended to be asleep so we would go to lunch didn't you?"
Blushing guiltily Jimin,turned away and walked towards the door.
"I'm fine I've told you all...this fussing is alien to me,it's suffocating,I'm sorry to sound ungrateful but I've decided I'm going back to practice!"
He grabbed the door handle feeling proud of himself but it didn't last long as he was suddenly picked up in strong arms.
"Tomorrow....the doc said a couple of days so tomorrow you can resume...not today."
Jungkook looked down into the pouty face of the other thinking how adorably cute he looked then Jimin started to wriggle to get down.
"Fine lock me up in here waste your time babysitting me!"
Jungkook smirked then threw him over his shoulder slapping his ass.
"I came to take you to lunch in my suite for a change of scenery,"
His hand caressed where he had slapped inadvertently touching smooth skin where the pants had edged down.
Gulping he opened the door and walked further along to his suite door going inside.
He slid Jimin down the front of his body,seeing the reaction he felt in Jimins eyes too.
He cleared his throat,
"Sit down and eat don't let it get cold..." he gestured at the table set for two.
Jimin bit his lip embaressed at his sudden needy feelings,what was going on?
"Oh er thank you there is a lot here,"
They both sat down ,Jungkook served up some food and they started eating.
Jimin made small talk by asking how long it took to plan a tour,who had choreographed all the dances,what did he need to do once the dances were learned.?
Jungkook answered his answers interesting and informative.
"Wow so a lot of work has gone into this then,so much for six performances..."
"Yer,although there are also tv programmes wanting us on to advertise the about what to expect...."
"So for us dancers what next,"
"A lot more training I want it perfect,also training pre show to be aware of your space on the stage....oh and your solo.....I have this song in mind...hang on it's on my phone.."
Jungkook flipped through his phone pressing on something and soon music filled the room.
Jimin felt relieved,he loved this music,it was strong yet soulful....
"This is one of my favourites......."
"Really?Thats good.....I was thinking you dressed in all white,barefoot....sorta soulful yet strong dance moves?"
Jimin was amazed at how alike their thoughts were.
"I'll see what Hobi has in mind....."
Soon they were both finished ,but suddenly the tension from before filled the room .
Jungkook put the dirty plates on a trolley that would go outside his door sighing and then turning back to Jimin.
As if deciding something he walked determindly towards Jimin who nervously took a step back but found the wall behind him.
"W-what...?" Was all he managed before Jungkook pulled him towards him and claimed the plump lips he'd been thinking about all through lunch.
"Mmmm,tasty...class this as my desert.....!
Jimin was shocked at the tingling sensation that shot through him at Jungkooks kiss,he couldn't help the moan that left him.
Hearing the sound Jungkook caressed down Jimin's back before a hand slid under the sweatpants clamping onto Jimin's ass.
"You should go commando more often..."
"Stop it..." Jimin said hesitatingly
"You really want me too....?" Jungkook toyed with Jimin's naked ass his eyes filled with lust and god help him but Jimin mesmerised leaned into the others body standing on tip toes to reach up and kiss him.
Jungkook groaned pressing Jimin's body against his,his own arousal evident as now he slipped his other hand down and onto Jimin's ass caressing that butt spreading his cheeks as his hands got nearer to his tight hole.
A loud knock had them springing apart,
"Jungkook! Jimins gone!" Hobi's voice yelled
"Fuck!go sit down quickly hold a plate over your...."
Jimin rushed to a seat pulling a cushion onto his lap then grabbing a plate as if he was eating.
Jungkook grabbed a sweatshirt tying it around his waist the arms dangling concealing his own arousal.
He walked to the door and opened it,
"He's here Hobi having lunch...."
Hobi walked in going to Jimin.
"I could have brought lunch to you...are you ok you look a bit flushed?"
Jimin never a good liar decided to say a bit of the truth.
"Er I was getting scolded by Jungkook,I told him I was going to practice and he said I couldn't ...."
"Well done Jungkook! Of course you can't Jimin,not til tomorrow at least.....but why are you eating in here?"
Seeing Jimins face Jungkook spoke.
"I thought he might be bored in his room so I arranged to have lunch in here least it's not far from his room...."
"Oh,good idea......"
"Yer,wasn't he kind...." Jimin said breezily before chancing his luck," I feel so much better out of my room I think I should go for a walk....."
"No!" Two voices spoke making Jimin pout.
"But I'm bored! I feel suffocated I need to be busy!"
"You can go to the tv lounge that's it..."
Jimin actually stamped his small foot,
"You do know I'm an adult right?I've looked after myself for a long time!pfft bossy men!"
He put the plate and cushion down stomping off to his room.
"Oh dear....seems Jimin can be fiesty....were we too hard on him?"
"Well, tomorrow he will want to practice but keep an eye on him....lets do the two dance routines they have already learned but with me in the routine too.
By the way his solo....he already knows the music and is keen to dance to it, maybe just put a few ideas together later tomorrow?I'm thinking of putting it just after halfway through,when I do that one song without dancers,it gives Jimin time to change quickly and I can introduce him before I go off...."
"Good idea.....should we see if he's ok?"
Jungkook nodded and they walked out stopping at Jimins door.Jungkook quietly turned the handle and pushed it open fully expecting an angry little fireball to hurl insults,instead they both found the petite male curled up on the bed hugging a pillow sound asleep.
"Seems he's not as ready as he thinks he is !"muttered Jungkook.
"Hmm,I thought he looked overly flushed in your room"
"Yer he did," smirked Jungkook before they shut the door and walked away.

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