Time past

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"Happy New Year Jimin!"
"You too Tae,you sound drunk you ok?"
"It's New Year's Eve of course I am,you were supposed to come with me....(hic)"
"I managed to get the keys to the practice room it seemed better to get the routine down,"
"Jimin where's your sense of fun? You know the routine, your also the best it's two days til the bigwigs come!"
"Tae I want to get further in my chosen work but there's a lot of competition,since the military I've managed to catch up and score a few jobs  this audition for whoever it is could get me higher up the ladder."
"Maybe some idol will just take one look at your cuteness and fall for you!"
"I don't care for idols,they are just pretentious pricks!"
"Wow,ok well I'm gonna go see if I can score,you'll never guess who's here?"
"Only the great Jeon himself and Suga D......girls are falling over themselves to preen in front of them..."
Jimin froze in place hearing that name....... then,
"Stupid girls,don't they know people like them laugh at us ordinary people....anyway I've got to lock up and get home,stay safe Tae,"
"You too get a cab don't walk home,"
"Yeah yeah what am I a kid?"
"No your a sexy cutie who entices anyone with breath in their body..."
"You're good for my self esteem even if it's all lies...!"
Tae suddenly sounded serious ,
"Jiminshi I really don't know what you see when you look in the mirror and it pains me when you put yourself down..."
Jimin sighed," ok Tae.....now enjoy the rest of your night."
Jimin turned of the call and went around picking his bits up,he felt tired and knew he'd fall straight to sleep when he got in
Switching the lights off he locked up then posted the keys through the owners letterbox a few houses down.
About to walk home he saw a cruising taxi and hailed it,maybe Tae was just looking out for him it wouldn't hurt to take his advice.
He soon got to his studio apartment throwing his dancewear in the laundry basket and showering quickly.
Drying off he put on some cute pjs and dried his hair in front of the mirror.
He stared at his reflection gone was the baby face of years before to reveal a slim sharp jawline. His gaze slightly fuzzy as he'd taken out his contacts,glasses he occasionally wore now but not when dancing....not like the heavy rimmed ones of old that had slid down his nose when he danced....he remembered the idol smiling when this had happened ,Jimin had thought it was a smile of encouragement ,but no the great Jeon Jungkook had been laughing at him as he'd realised later.
Jimin had changed a lot since then,the military had brushed the foolish childishness from him,he'd come to harden up and not believe everything was light and fluffy,the world was harsh and you manned up or got trampled on.
Sighing he got into his bed his eyes closing instantly.

Jungkook sighed," let's go Suga I've had enough of this being on display..."
"Woah,you need to lighten up,what's happened to the great playboy?"
"Don't call me that!" Jungkook said sharply
"Ok...ok,really Kook what's up?"
"I dunno,just seems like it's a never ending stream of pointless people just wanna get in your pants to say they have hooked up with an idol!"
"Seems our Kookies grown up...when you were younger you used to laugh about all that and end up with someone just like your complaining about now?"
"Suga you know most of it was rumours,admittedly at times I trifled ,but the fun was seeing how far those people would go.."
"Nobody ever said no to you....."
"You're wrong...there was one kid,was going through the auditions got high in the ranking and then turned around and dropped out,said he didn't want to work with a bigheaded idol who only got that far because of his fans!"
"Yer he was a little dorky looking quite small and nondescript looking wearing these oversized glasses that kept sliding down.....I'm afraid I joked about him to Hobi ....i was a bit bigheaded back then but in all honesty,I don't think he'd have got all the way through he wasn't .....strong enough I thought,there was this childlike demeanour about him...like he needed to grow a little more."
"Yet he was strong enough to say no to you?"
"Hmmm,I wonder what came of him...I think I was surprised when I read his details to find he was just two years younger than me.....he seemed like a baby..."
"You grew up too fast,going in the military straight after debuting then coming out and hitting number ones made you become mature,"
"I s'pose...still I don't know why but he still sits in my head and I wonder about him..."
"Well you've got those auditions in a couple of days,you need to be on the ball you need experts with stamina,"
"Yer I know that's why all that applied through Hobi have been given the same routine to learn it's strong and will weed out the weak ones."
"Ok then let's drink up....shit whose that..."
Suga was looking at the dance floor where a handsome man was dancing with friends,his good looks and dancing making more than Suga ogle him.
As the music changed the young man came off the dance floor walking to a table.
Suga called out to him and the man's head turned and he walked over staring at the two sitting there.
"Hey it's you two,your famous...."
"Sure am.....you dance well wanna give me a private show Mr?"
"It's Tae....and I know I'm gonna hate myself in the morning but I'm drunk,your famous and you wouldn't know my name in the morning,as my good friend Jimin says,us lesser humans are fodder for you rich guys to laugh at,and what was it...? Oh yer your all just a bunch of pretentious pricks....so for once I'll say nooooooo! Be seeing ya!"
He staggered to a table grabbing his jacket and walking out some of his friends following.
Jungkook and Suga looked at each other then burst out laughing.
"Pretentious pricks wow! That showed us....come on let's leave,man I told you we are getting too old for this we need to reinvent ourselves!" Jungkook laughed getting up.
"Ya think my chat up line was too corny?"
"Well he ain't here giving you a lap dance is he?"
"Damn...time for the pipe and slippers....!"
Chuckling the pair left,Jungkooks driver dropping off Suga on the way before reaching Jungkooks place.
He went in tiredly,washing up he climbed into bed naked,wondering why he felt as if something momentous was about to happen.His mind went back to that smiling dorky kid,much as he'd laughed back then there was something in the way the kid had looked earnestly at him the whole time he danced as if seeking his approval.
"I hope you got what you wanted kid ,you've been the only one who looked me in the eye and told me off,Maybe I should have insisted you stay,it would have made me grow up sooner having someone who wasn't a yes man around........"
Yawning he closed his eyes,falling into the deepest sleep but dreaming of the dorky kid standing in front of him and pointing his finger at him while shaking his head," you'll see" were the only words he heard before the small male faded away .

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