Chapter 8: The Battle of Teth

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When we entered the hangar, the purple planet Teth was visible through the two huge open doors on top of the Negotiator. Obi-Wan was for me waiting by a Y-Wing starfighter.

"I hope your aim is good, because you'll be my gunner." He said.

I pointed to the bow strapped on my back. "As long as it's similar to this, I think we should be fine."

More clones entered the hangar, all of them preparing their ships for take-off. R4 came rolling our way, and I helped her settle into her spot before climbing behind the controls of the guns. I was greeted by an array of colourful buttons and levers.

"Well, this should be interesting." I muttered as I grabbed the control stick. Meanwhile, Obi-wan had taken his place behind the wheel, the engine of the ship humming to life as the other ships around us started to take flight.

"I hope interesting means good in your book." Obi-wan said as we took our position in the flying formation.

"Sure, why not." I said, finally finding the button I had to use to fire. I was nervous as all nine hells, but I was trying to follow Obi-wan's advice, and not let the nerves cloud my senses. It was only working so much though. I shook my head and took a steadying breath, before training my eyes on the planet before us, taking strength from my master's presence.

"Skywalker is in trouble." Obi-wan's voice rang over the communicator. "You know the drill."

"Copy that sir." Came the clones' responses.

We entered the planet's atmosphere, our ship rattling in the change in pressure, only to be immediately overrun by droid fighters. I was completely taken aback, R4 beeping in alarm as rounds of fire blasted around us. But of course, Obi-wan had sensed them coming, smoothly evading most of the fire, the clones swiftly firing back at the droid fighters.

"Feel free to join the party, Maxine." Obi-wan said cheekily, shaking me out of my surprised shock. I shook my head, gripping the control stick and aiming at the first fighter. They were flighty little things, zipping this way and that to avoid fire. They weren't as quick as was used to though. A Yerik could outpace these things on its worst days.

I fired, and one the fighter blasted to smithereens.

I whooped in victory. "Seems like they are similar, master!"

Fire blasted against our right, shaking our ship. The clones were under heavy fire as well. It wouldn't take long before we would be blasted out of the sky.

"Anakin, come in." Obi-wan said into his comm, the only response coming in the form of static.

"They're probably jamming our communications." I said as I shot down another fighter. It was quickly replaced by another one though, and one of the clones paid the price for it, their ship going down in a ball of fire, their signature snuffed out in a second, snatched away from my grasp. The feeling was chilling to the bone.

"I hope Anakin is having an easier time than we are." Obi-wan said, no doubt feeling my reaction to the clone's death. I could sense his attempt at soothing the sudden loss, but it did little good.

There really was no time to think about it anymore though, as another clone was in deep trouble.

"I'm hit, I can't shake them!"

Obi-wan immediately changed course, going after the hit clone, and in turn, the pursuing droids.

"Just relax, Odd Ball. We're right behind you." He said. I'd already locked onto one of the fighters, only waiting for Obi-wan to level the ship. I fired the first shot, blasting the first fighter to bits. Obi-wan then pulled up, my stomach sinking to my feet as I locked onto the second droid, mere moments away from shooting Odd Ball out of the sky. I fought to make my hands stop shaking as the ship steadied, and I blasted the other fighter to bits.

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