Chapter 6: The First Battle

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Alright, how was it possible for ships to be this enormous? The Jedi cruiser taking us to Christophsis was huge. Even just the main hanger was bigger than most floors of the temple, and it was quiet a hassle to know where you were going. At least I wasn't the only one struggling with this large floor plan it seemed, as I was currently waiting for Ahsoka beside the ship that should have taken us to the planet's surface before even I arrived.

Large blue force fields separated the ships and I in the hangar from the infinite emptiness known as space just beyond them, the blue planet of Christophsis visible through the two large open doors on top of the ship. As I looked at it, my nerves bundled up even more, and I took a deep steadying breath. I would finally meet my master, and start my first mission straight away to boot. I cursed myself for kriffing jinxing it. What could go wrong? Well, a lot of things actually.

Something in the back of my mind gave a faint tug, one that had been nagging at me since we exited hyperspace. It was a feeling I hadn't quite felt in a long time, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. Ilaria would have laughed at me. For how sensitive I was to the living force, I could only recognize a few signatures straight away. There were just too many to count, especially when living on Coruscant. How was I supposed to keep track of them all?

Speaking of, one of the few I could recognize in this ocean of strangers was approaching at great speed, her nerves and eagerness clear as day, even if I'd only met her.

I turned to see Ahsoka walk in. Our connection wasn't very strong yet, but it was certainly noticeable, especially now that we'd spent some time together on the way here.

She was looking around a bit confused though, so I waved at her. "Over here!"

She spotted me, and ran towards me, a grin on her face. "You ready to go?"

I nodded at her. "Ready as I'll ever be."

We entered the gunship together with a small group of clones. I frowned when I realized that, even though they had lowered some of the holds, I still couldn't reach them. So instead, I opted to hold onto one of the clone's belts, earning me a confused look. I just shrugged at him, rolling my eyes at the high holds mocking me. A chuckle sounded through his helmet before he seemingly righted himself and faced forward again.

Standing next to each other, mine and Ahsoka's nerves and excitement more than doubled. We were practically vibrating, our bodies ready to spring into action.

"I still can't believe I'm going to be master Skywalker's padawan." Ahsoka muttered excitedly.

I laughed at her barely contained enthusiasm. "I still can't believe Yoda just didn't tell me about mine."

She gave me a look of sympathy. "I'm sure that whoever they are, you two will be a great fit."

That made me smile. Even though we'd only just met, I liked Ahsoka. She was a shining presence in the force, so alive and filled with kindness that it was hard for me not to like her.

As we landed, the tug from before changed to an insistent pull, and I frowned. It couldn't be Ahsoka, I could feel her more clearly now and she sure wasn't reaching out. Who could it be? I didn't know anyone from Christophsis, did I?

It was so familiar, and I hadn't felt it this strong in years, slowly strengthening and coming back to life as I neared whoever it belonged to. It was so calm and soothing, like a lake as still as glass...

My eyes widened as the doors of the gunship opened. How could I be so stupid?! I'd practically had a panic attack on Ilum when I thought our connection had been severed, and now I hadn't even recognized it!

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