Chapter Four Home

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I slowly opened my eyes before quickly shutting them because of how bright it was

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I slowly opened my eyes before quickly shutting them because of how bright it was. I forget where I am for a second before I look around. I make sure to quickly lower my head knowing my eyes are bloodshot. The drugs were still affecting me but I could tell it was wearing off. Why did these feel stronger than before? They shouldn't still be affecting me.

"We just landed." I hear Evander say louder than he actually spoke and I just nod with my head still down.

Anthony was already standing and took Nio from my hands. I tend to drop things in this state and I would never forgive myself if I dropped Nio. Nino also pulled out a pair of sunglasses for me. To hide my eyes and because the drugs I take make my eyes very sensitive.

"Thank you." I mumble as I lift my slightly shaky hand and grab the glasses. He looks at me a little confused but shakes it off.

"You're welcome." He says as I put them on.

Our family already had their stuff as they began walking out of the jet. We followed behind but I was just a little slower considering I felt like I was going to pass out. What the hell is wrong with me? Once I step out of the plane I close my eyes and stand there for a second taking in the nice breeze.

When I open my eyes I groan a little bit before slightly swaying back and forth. Thankfully Nino grabs a hold of me. While still holding on to Nio.

"What's wrong? You shouldn't be high right now." He whispers worried.

"I definitely am though and I'm not mad about it." I mutter and he sighs while shaking his head.

"Can you maybe just pretend you aren't high." He whispers as he helps me down the stairs while also carrying Nio.

"I'm not high anymore. My feet are literally on the ground." I mumble making him sigh and Nio laugh.

"This should be interesting. If you are going to say anything in the car say it in Russian before you expose yourself." He grumbles as he lets go of my arm and I smirk at him.

"No Ria that is not a challenge." He quickly says reading my mind.

We walk to the SUV which is waiting for us. Even in my current state, I make sure to stay alert. I noticed that there were guards everywhere. Some were hiding while others were in plain sight. My older brothers got into a sports car and drove off probably trying to beat us to the house.

My parents were waiting for us in the car and once we got in and buckled up we were off.

"The house is just a little over an hour away." Tobias says looking at us in the rearview mirror and we nod.

Tobias and Anastasia began talking to each other in Greek. I understood them but my head was so full that I wasn't processing what they were saying. I also didn't care.

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