Chapter 9

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Flake had this look on his face, Whitetip could just tell he thought Nightwatcher was insane. If she knew anything about him, he was about to say something that was probably just as crazy.

"Are you crazy?!" He cried out. "He's offering you a way out and you're just declining it? Any other dragon would accept it gratefully!"

There it is, Whitetip thought.

Nightwatcher took a step away from him, wincing as she put weight on her injured arm.

"Flake, watch your tone," Gemstone warned.

"You're really considering trusting this clearly insane dragon?! She's probably just faking it, using your naivety to destroy us from the inside! Do you not recall what just happened with the RainWings? We're the perfect targets for the other tribes right now! I say we just kill her now!" Flake lunged at Nightwatcher, his serrated claws scratching her. The NightWing jumped away from him, but didn't seem in too much of a rush to attack back. Her movements were slow and looked painful.

Well, she is still injured, Whitetip thought.

"Flake! Out!" Gemstone pinned Flake's tail to the ground to avoid further attacks.. 

Flake huffed, glaring at no one in particular, and swept out of the cave once Gemstone had released his tail, his spines clacking together and against the ground like seashells on stone.

"Finally, peace and quiet," Whitetip mumbled. Nightwatcher snorted, covering her mouth to stop her laughter and Whitetip held back a smile.

"As much as I respect your decision, I must also question it." Luminescence said, his head held high. "Don't you want to go back home?" He tilted his head, staring at the NightWing. His voice had a tone of gentleness like when he was talking to her or... Mako.

Whitetip swallowed, forcing back the tears. She had been trying not to think of her sister, she wasn't going to break at this awful moment.

"There's really not much for me left in the Night Kingdom. My siblings and friends are dead and I'm not on good terms with my parents," Nightwatcher said, matching his strong, but gentle tone, as if to show she wasn't scared. But she was, Whitetip had seen in when Gemstone had come in. 

"You realize the punishment for this in the Night Kingdom, correct?" Luminescence asked. "As long as you are on our side, in our kingdoms, I can protect you from it, but the moment you are on NightWing lands, I cannot do much."

Nightwatcher took a deep breath. "You are correct, this war has gone on far too long. General Ghostsong intends to keep going until he wins or he dies, regardless of what Queen Stardust says."

Luminescence sighed. "I will think over it. Gemstone, do you mind taking her to a more comfortable cave? I need to talk to Whitetip."

"Of course. Come on." Gemstone led Nightwatcher out of the cave

Luminescence dropped his stern leader face the moment the two of them left. He embraced Whitetip in a tight hug. "Oh, I'm so glad you're alright," he said.

Whitetip felt the tears falling down her face light rain drizzling from the sky. "I thought you were gonna die," she said, her voice shaking. She didn't think she would've survived if her dad had died.

"Is Mako alright?" Luminescence pulled away. 

Whitetip knew her dad wasn't much of a hugger, but she could've stayed there all day. She dreaded having to answer his question. "Mako," her voice cracked and the tears came down faster, like a rushing river, "Mako's dead."

Luminescence's wings dropped to his sides. It seemed like a giant wave had washed over him all at once. "W-what?" 

Even when he wasn't acting as a general, he had always been so composed. But now he seemed everything but that. His head dipped low and Whitetip could hear his breathing as he tried to hold back sobs. 

Whitetip hugged him tightly, not letting go. If felt like her mom's death all over again. 

The lightning flashed above the surface, but Whitetip knew she was safe under the water with Mako and her dad. She sat at the entrance to their home, waiting for her mom, Silky.

Whitetip, time for bed. Luminescence's flashing scales caught Whitetip's attention.

She shook her head and responded with, No. I am waiting for mom. She huffed and dug her talons into the floor, refusing to move.

Whitetip, she's not going to be home for a while. It's not safe to be out in these conditions, so she's waiting out the storm, Luminescence flashed, swimming up beside her. He tugged on her arm gently, waiting for her to move. I'll tell you a story.

Whitetip quickly swam towards the room she shared with Mako. She loved her father's stories of magical lands.

The next morning, the storm had subsided. A knock on the door sent Whitetip flying out of her seaweed bed, her jellyfish toy floating to the ground. Her scales flashed excitedly, lighting up the room and waking up Mako. 

Mom! Mom! Her scales flashed.

Her father was at the door already. He glanced at her then spread one of his wings and said, Go back to your room, Whitetip. I'll be there in a moment.

Whitetip was disappointed, but listened to her father because he seemed serious.

A few moments later he entered the room she shared with Mako, his scales looking dimmer than usual. He had a sad look on his face.

Where's Mom? Mako asked, her green eyes wide and curious. 

Luminescence let out a sigh, bubbles floating to the ceiling before popping. She... he hesitated, before he continued, your mother isn't coming back. There was an accident and she got hurt really bad. 

Whitetip felt an awful feeling settling in her chest, like a stone was weighing her down. She dove into her pile of toys, just wanting to hide away from everything and everyone in the world. It felt like a horrible nightmare, but it was one that she'd never wake up from.

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