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Fire blazed across the dark landscape, giving the land a creepy, orange glow that sent a shiver down Nova's spine. It illuminated fearful eyes as it drew closer, the screams of pain and fear getting louder with each passing second.

Nova spun around, trying to pull a tiny IceWing away from the flames, but her talons passed right through the small dragonet like they weren't even there. Her eyes widened as she scrambled to try to grab the dragonet, but she couldn't do it.

"Help! Someone help!" Nova cried, spinning around, trying to get anyone's attention. But it was like she wasn't even there, like she didn't even exist. No one responded to her cries of fear.

The IceWing dragonet screamed in pain as the flames grabbed them, dragging them towards the ground. She wailed for her mother, tears streaming down her face, dripping down onto the flames. But as much as Nova wished it would, the tears did not smother the flames.

NO! Nova lunged forwards, grabbing for the dragonet. But her talons once again passed right through them and the flames barely touched her.

"Anyone! Help!" She shouted frantically. She grabbed for a SeaWing, but her talons again could not touch them. The SeaWing didn't even seem to notice her as they ran off to help a SilkWing that seemed as tiny as the IceWing dragonet.

No matter what she did, she couldn't help anyone. The flames didn't touch her, which she was grateful for, but she couldn't save any of the dragons who were screaming in pain.

Tears rolled down her face as she began to panic and the flames closer in on her and the remaining dragons. She squeezed her eyes shut, wishing it would just end.

Nova woke up, breathing heavily. Her claws dug into the dirt and she squeezed her eyes shut again, trying to not cry. But tears still rolled down her face.

What was that? Was that the future? Nova wondered. Then, after a moment she thought, Is it meant to tell me I can't stop what's to come? What's the point of seeing the future if you can't stop it?

She desperately hoped that wasn't the case. She hoped it was just a nightmare or that it was meant to show her what could happen if she didn't stop it. She didn't want to know a future that she couldn't stop. 

She didn't want to listen to dragons die, especially ones as young as that IceWing had been. A tear dripped down her face and she wiped it away, not wanting everyone else to see her crying.

"Nova? Are you alright?" Duskflight asked softly, his dark blue eyes filled with worry.

Nova blinked the tears out of her eyes, staring tiredly at Duskflight. "Yeah... yeah, I'm fine. Just a little nightmare."

"Ah, those are the worst." Duskflight sat down next to her, wrapping a wing around her. The stars on his wings reminded her of raindrops. "Starseeker used to wake up all the time from those."

"Really?" Nova glanced at Starseeker, who was sound asleep and snoring. "I can't imagine him waking up in the middle of sleep. I always thought he'd sleep right through nightmares."

Duskflight laughed. Nova thought his laugh was beautiful."Oh, he does now, but when he was little, back before we met you guys, he'd wake up crying every week!"

Nova giggled. If Duskflight's plan was to distract her from her nightmare, it kind of working. She took a deep breath and asked, "Duskflight? Do you ever worry that this war is going to kill off all of us?"

Duskflight tilted his head, staring at her for a moment. "Oh, that's what your nightmare was about," he mumbled, before finally answering her. "Of course I do. Everyone does. I'm sure even General Ghostsight gets scared like that sometimes. It's natural. But just think. You've got all of us to protect you. Nightwatcher would destroy anyone who tried to hurt you."

Nova laughed. "I can't imagine General Ghostsight being scared of anything! He's absolutely terrifying, he doesn't seem scared of anything."

"I heard he's scared of spiders!" Duskflight said in a loud stage whisper. He grinned at her and she grinned right back.

"I heard that some of us actually want to sleep, so do me a favor and shut up," Eclipse snapped, glaring at them.

"Geez, I actually think your sister might be more terrifying than General Ghostsight," Duskflight whisper. He looked at Nova, clearly noticing her tired expression. "Come on, we better get some sleep. Don't want you getting killed because you fell asleep on duty." 

Nova felt his wing covering her as both of them settled down. It brought her a sense of warmth and security that hard to find on the war filled continent of Pyrrhia.

She sighed softly as she leaned into his warmth, the two of them slowly drifting off in sleep.

It wasn't safe, not at all, and Nova knew that. But having Duskflight next to her made everything feel alright, even if it was only for a moment.

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