Chapter 8

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Gemstone was in the infirmary when Luminescence finally seemed to start getting better, probably about a week after the attack. It really wasn't his fault he was in there. The Ice Kingdom barely had anything to avoid when flying. Now he had to worry about avoiding tree branches and the occasional bird.

Gemstone had gone into the infirmary to grab a bandage, just so he wouldn't bleed everywhere. He really didn't need any help, so he hadn't gotten anyone to help him because, as his father always had said, "IceWings always do everything themselves, especially when it is as simple as a scratch." It was a bit more than a scratch, but Gemstone still knew he could take care of it himself. Besides, the healers had enough to deal with. Things were still bad, even a week after the attack.

He was just finishing wrapping the bandage around his arm when he saw Luminescence stir out of the corner of his eye.

He didn't think much of it. At least, not till the SeaWing general tried to stand up, almost immediately collapsing back onto the bed.

Gemstone scrambled to help him. "Sir, I don't think—"

"I would like to speak to the NightWing," Luminescence said, his teeth clenched together from the pain as he pushed himself to sit up. Gemstone pushed him back down, not wanting him to hurt himself more.

Gemstone blinked, slightly confused. "I-I'm not sure that's the best idea. You still seem kinda weak and—" Gemstone silently cursed himself. Why would you say that!?

"I would like to speak to the NightWing," Luminescence repeated, clearly not leaving any room for argument.

Gemstone nodded quickly, realizing he was fighting a losing battle by arguing with him. "Got it. I'll get her." He ducked out of the infirmary cave, hurrying to where the NightWing prisoner was being kept.

The Flake looked up, his eyes widening momentarily from surprise before he sat up straight, in the perfect position as all IceWings learned. "General Gemstone, what do you need?"

"General Luminescence would like to speak to the NightWing. Where's the SeaWing who was left on guard with you?" Gemstone asked. He was sure there had been two dragons on guard and he was sure the other one was a SeaWing.

"Chattering to the NightWing like some sort of gull." Gemstone didn't miss the disdain Flake had in his voice when he spoke of the SeaWing.

Gemstone nodded, stepping into the cave where, as Flake had told him, the SeaWing was deep in the middle of telling a story, her glow scales flashing every now and then. At least the NightWing won't be escaping anytime soon with this. The NightWing noticed him right away, looking right at him, the teardrop scales by her eyes catching his attention. No, the one teardrop scale. Her other eye was covered by bandages. Gemstone cleared his throat to get the SeaWing's attention.

The SeaWing looked away from the NightWing, jumping to her talons. "General Gemstone."

Whitetip, Gemstone reminded himself. The sister of that SeaWing who died... Mako. And Luminescence's daughter. "General  Luminescence would like to talk to the NightWing."

Whitetip nodded. "Yes sir."

The NightWing stumbled to her talons. Gemstone had to remind himself that she had also been injured in the attack. Defending me and Luminescence. She shouldn't have had to protect me like that. I shouldn't have frozen up. He winced slightly as he looked at her injuries, the missing wing, the bandages. He knew there were injuries that he couldn't see. The loss of the other NightWings who hadn't survived must have weighed on her.

"Come on," he said, flicking his tail slightly to gesture them to follow him. He led them to the infirmary, going slower than he normally walked so the NightWing could easily keep up with her injuries. He could tell Flake wanted to walk faster, but even Flake wouldn't dare go against him.

Luminescence looked up as he heard them enter. "Thank you Gemstone." He pushed himself to sit and, for the first time, Gemstone saw the extent of his injuries. A large scar ran down his neck, arms and up onto part of his face.

"General Luminescence." The NightWing dipped her head respectfully

At least she knows how to act properly, Gemstone thought.

"What's your name?" Luminescence asked.

"Nightwatcher," the NightWing answered.

She's scared, Gemstone quickly realized. He didn't blame her. Luminescence was terrifying if you didn't know him. He was scared of Luminescence still sometimes.

Luminescence took a deep breath. "Nightwatcher, I would like to offer you to go home."

"Isn't this something for you to bring up with General Ghostsong?" Nightwatcher asked.

This was a bad idea, he's still out of it. Gemstone opened his mouth to suggest that they continue some other time and let Luminescence rest, but Luminescence spoke first.

"No." Luminescence shook his head as if clearing a fog from his mind. "I mean, I'm letting you go home."

"Are you insane!?" Flake cried out. "She's an enemy! You could at least use her as a bargaining chip!"

"Flake! General Luminescence may not be an IceWing and he's not me, but you will still give him the respect he deserves!" Gemstone snapped. "I apologize for his outburst, General Luminescence."

"No, no, I understand. It sounds insane. But the RainWing attack... if dragons from a tribe that isn't even in the war are getting this violent towards other tribes... Do you realize how awful it is that we're fighting this much and over what?" Luminescence looked at Gemstone. "Do most of the dragons here even know why we're fighting anymore? This war needs to end, peacefully. Nightwatcher will be allowed to return to the Night Kingdom, under the simple request that she brings a letter to General Ghostsong."

Gemstone glanced at Nightwatcher. She just looked surprised and like she didn't know what to say. She glanced from Whitetip, who had somehow managed to stay quiet, to Gemstone, to Flake, then back to Luminescence. "I... I... I don't think I want to go back to the Night Kingdom, sir."

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