The barn

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I was laying down on the ground of the barn, a bit warmer now that we had a fire going in the barn. And we were out of the rain.

My clothes were still a bit damp but were not nearly as soaked anymore.

The barn was quiet. I could hear the fire crackle and a bit of thunder. But no one was speaking. I don't think anyone was asleep tho, except judith.

I tried to get some sleep but I couldn't.
Abraham was still drinking. Which was very stupid. Drinking wouldn't help anything, only make it worse.

But he is a grown man so he can make that decision himself. Even tho it was stupid.

I lay there with my eyes closed, trying my best to fall asleep, knowing sleep would help me feel better in the morning but I just kept opening my eyes and staring at the ceiling of the barn. I looked at the rafters and counted them. Not sure why I counted them but I did, Multiple times, I guess I figured it would help me fall asleep.

Some of the adults where sitting by the fire. Daryl was trying to keep it going but the sticks were too wet.

I was laying next to Carl and watched the fire as a slowly drifted to sleep.

I'm not sure how I slept through the loud storm because I'm a pretty light sleeper but I must've been exhausted because I didn't wake up once untill I heard the chains on the barn doors shake.

I opened my eyes slightly and saw Daryl was leaning against it.

I heard Walkers outside and it took me a minute to fully realize what was happening. I wasn't fully awake yet so my brain wasn't exactly working.

Maggie and Sasha both went over to help him. I sat up but wasn't sure if I should help or not.

The rest of the group rushed over and Carl started to sit up.

I then quickly stood up and ran over and pushed against the door.

I wasn't very strong but I knew I couldn't just sit there and do nothing.

Carl set judith on the ground and came over and pushed the door too.

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