Dog food

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"Dad, look" carl said, we all were walking slowly I was sure everyone was just as miserable as me.

I hoped what Carl saw was something good. I turn to him and follow his gaze, there was a group of cars on the road. Probably crashed leaving from somewhere early on when everything was just started.

I got kinda excited hoping we'd find atleast something good.

"I'm gonna head into the woods, circle back" Daryl says. "May I come with? Carol asked. "No, no, just me." Daryl said then headed off into the woods.

We slowly started searching the cars for food, water, Anything useful really.

I started looking inside the car unfront of the one Rick was looking in.

I opened the middle console and there was nothing but a gum rapper, a hair elastic and some dirt. A few coins too.

I opened up the glove box and there was some mail and magazines. And the car manual, and some napkins. I grabbed the napkins and shoved them in my bag, figured they would come in handy for something.

I looked in the back seat and there was nothing. I opened the trunk and there was a suitcase.

I opened it up and there was 3 shirts and a dress, a pair of jeans and some old bathroom products. I grabbed the clothes and pushed them into my bag, and walked slowly towards the car Maggie was looking in.

She opened the back and I noticed she jumped. I wondered what was inside.

I walked towards the car and peeked inside. There was a female walker tied up. My heart sank and I myself jumped a little.

Maggie shut the trunk of the Car and walked away silently.

The walker was making a thumping noise inside the trunk. Maggie let out a breath and walked back to the trunk.

I stood still for a minute and watched.

She started struggling to open the back. She was getting angry, she pulled out her gun to shoot, but then Glenn walked up behind her. I decided to leave them alone and walk back to where Rick and Carl where.

After walking for awhile we all sat at the edge of a road in silence. Hungry and thirsty and tired. Carl was leaning on Rick's back holding baby judith in his arms. I sat crisscross applesauce next to them.

I was plucking pieces of grass, there was alot of dirt so there was not much, but out of the grass that was there, I plucked it.

Suddenly some branches snapped. Alot of us jumped and looked in the direction of the noise.

It was just Daryl. Abraham takes a bottle of alcohol out and takes a sip.

Yeah cuz that's gonna help him stay hydrated, I thought it was very stupid. Alcohol makes you dehydrated which we all already where. He's gonna regret that I'm sure.

"So all we found was booze?" Tara asked. "Yeah" rosita answered. "It's not gonna help." Tara adds.
"He knows that." "It's gonna make it worse" "yes it is."

"He's a grown man, and I truly do not know if things can get worse" Eugene says.

I looked at Carl and he was just staring at Abraham as he continued to drink the booze.

"They can" rosita says. That's when I looked at her. From what I've learned, it can always get worse.

We heard rustling in the woods, then growling, we all looked quickly.
Dogs started coming out of the woods.

Random fear of mine, is dogs. Which wasn't always a fear, it came from a incident that happend on my road.

I went for a walk down my road and a big dog started barking and walking towards me, it would've attacked me if the man from the house I was infront of didn't come out.

I've been scared of dogs ever sense, ofc not my friends dogs, or dogs i know won't hurt me. But any other dog. I'll pass, thanks.

Daryl pulled his knife out, one of the dogs started barking.

Rick moved ready to fight if he had too. The dogs started barking and everyone slowly pulled there knives out.

I moved backwards. I was very close to running away and climbing up a tree leaving everyone behind.

They started walking forwards.
Then silenced gunshot went off. And the dogs dropped dead one by one. I looked In the direction of the gun shots and it was Sasha.

Okay, maybe I don't hate her all that much.

My heartbeat slowed back down to normal.

Rick then stood up and started grabbing sticks.

And soon enough we had a small fire going cooking dog meat.

That was one thing I never thought I'd eat ever, but it tasted kinda like chicken so it wasn't bad.

Plus I felt like I was getting revenge on that dog that tried to attacked me. If he could see me now eating his cousins up.

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