on the road

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Everyone just walks in silence  Occasionally someone will say a few words to the person next to them. I kinda liked the silence it wasn't super awkward either. I'm used to silence, from being on my own and all.

"So you've been alone all this time?" Carl asked. "Yeah pretty much" I say, it was silent for a moment. "Well..." I say pausing for a moment. Carl looks at me as we are walking, waiting for me to continue.

"I haven't always been alone. I had my family for awhile but then-" "yeah I understand" Carl said before I could finish which I actually appreciated because I didn't really want to go into details about my family. "Then after that I met a guy and I stuck around with him for awhile. He was really nice and taught me alot" I said.

Carl was looking ahead and at the ground but I could tell he was listening. "Our group started out small, and in time we lost people but we also met new people. And our group was bigger but it didn't last..." Carl said then he went silent after that.

I decided I should try and change the subject to something a bit more positive but I couldn't think of anything so we kinda just stayed silent.

We took a break and then we continued walking a ways. Carl had judith in his arms and was walking next to Maggie.

I stayed In the back. I've learned not to trust people and as much as I trust Rick and Carl. I also haven't seen them in years and people can change, as much as I didn't want to think about it, Anything could happen and I plan on staying alive.

"You any good?" I turn to see who was talking to me and it was the husky guy. I found out name was Daryl. I  furrow my brows. "What?" I say. "You any good?" He says again pointing to my bow. "Oh. Yeah I like to think so" I say. He didn't say anything He just made a mmh sound.

"Are you any good?" I ask looking at his crossbow. "Yeah" he says. I don't know what else to say so I stay silent. "You don't trust us do ya?" He asked.

I look at him and then look back at the road and stay silent. "I don't blame ya, it's hard to trust people in this world but I can promise ya, you can trust us. You can trust me." He says. I look at him again and he looks serious. I just nod go silent again and he does the same.

Why he decided to come over to me and talk with me I have no idea. Or why he felt the need to reassure me that I can trust them, or him. Maybe he was just trying to be nice. But I'm not sure.

I continued walking in silence till everyone was tired and decided to take another break.

Some of the group splits up and go into the woods. looking for anythings really,, food or a water source like a small stream or brook.

I decide to follow along behind Daryl, we stay silent not talking to eachothet. He digs into the ground with his hands digging into the dirt.

I furrow my brows and stare at him confused but still not saying anything. I just stand there and watch him.

He then pulls something out and puts it in his hand. And then I see it's a worm.

He takes it with his fingers and puts it in his mouth. I make a face, Disgusting I thought. I don't care how starving I am, I won't be eating a worm.

Maggie joins us and we walk towards a bank. We look Down and Sasha's down there. She looks up at us.

I stare at the ground and see dead frogs lying there a few inches apart from eachother. It was strange.

She shook her head at us and we turned around and kept walking with Sasha following behind.

We get to the road and the rest of the group is up ahead.

"it's been a day and a half." Maggie says as we slowly start walking towards the group.

"They didn't find any either." She says.
"How do you know?" Sasha says. Which was exactly what I was thinking. "I know." Maggie replies.

"How much Longer we got?" Maggie asks. Im beginning to get a bit worried. I've gone without food for a few days but with this big of a group even if we did find some food. There wouldn't be enough for everyone.

"60 miles" Sasha says. "I wasn't talking about that" Maggie says. I look at her for a moment before turning back to look at the ground where I was walking.

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