Training/the beginning of the games

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A few days in at the capital it was the day they were going to start training with the other districts and after a few days of training Connor and Rachel and Joseph and Josh and Tom were looking for there knifes and they see Karley holding a knife and Josh says you took our knifes and it became an argument and Tom says I'm coming after you district 12 and then Leah looks up at Stacie on a platform holding the knives and Leah thinks we're gonna win .

this and then a few days later after training they were going to be evaluating the tributes and they call Leah and starts painting her self and she shoots the bow and arrow and then they call Stacie into the room and she shows them her skills with a knife and a bow and arrow and then they go back up to the 12th floor and they got ranked and Leah got ranked 12th and Stacie got ranked 11th and then the next morning they got ready to go to get interviewed with Jamie flickerman and they got dressed and Jamie says welcome and happy hunger games to you all and he interviewed all of the tributes and he says you know her and love her leah Mellark the first baby born in the games and then Leah says Jamie she hugs him and does her interview and then he says you know her and love her the capitals cutie Stacie snow gray.

Stacie does her interview and finishes and then a few days before the games started Stacie and Leah trained day and night for the games and on Saturday the day of the games cinna dresses Stacie and Leah for the games and they went to there tubes and got hovered them into the hover craft to get to the arena and they saw the arena it was the forest but it was a forest that had a lot of trees and caves and they stand in there starting mark and they heard the count down and they started running and Stacie and Leah get there weapons and get suplies and they run off in the forest together.

Leah and Stacie go into a cave and hide In there

7 days into the game Stacie says leah I am going to go get some more supplies and as Stacie is walking back to the cave a net falls on Stacie and Stacie does the mockingjay whistle and Leah runs towards Stacie and she sees a boy from district five and a girl from district six the girl stabs Stacie in the with arm and leg with the knife and spear and Leah grabs her bow out and shoots the boy and girl in the neck and then Leah cuts the net that Stacie is in and then Karley approaches them and tries to fight them and they see Jacob he kills Karley by slashing her throat open with a sword

Mean while out side of the arena president bucky was evil laugh in his office in the shadows he gave an evil glare at Jacob and he sees Stacie stabbing Jacob in the heart with a knife and bucky thinks to himself Stacie is fearless and she would make a good science experiment for him and he thinks if he can separate Stacie from Leah and lead Stacie to a place where he can highjack her and get her out of the arena and he thinks to get Stacie to go towards the edge of the arena by the river

Then Leah says Stacie let's go back to the cave and Stacie says I need to go to the river to wash off my wounds and my face and Stacie starts walking towards the river and she saw a parachute fall down and it had a note that says meet me by the edge of the river in the north of here and Stacie goes there but she sees a girl named Mary from district 6 and Stacie kills her by shooting her In the head with a arow and then once at the edge of the river Stacie looks around and all of a sudden everything goes black for Stacie

Then when Stacie woke up she saw President bucky walking in slowly and Stacie says what happened where am I and Bucky says well well well look who we have here cute little killer Stacie all alone by herself looking for her precious little Leah she protect you now it's just you and me here face to face now your going to be my lab rat for me and once we wipe your memories your gonna be my super soldier for the capital and they think you died in the games of your injury's because of the elements we put a fake body double in there

Stacie says you can't get away with this and bucky says your my puppet to control I a the master of the puppets here now if you want live you must behave so I can now erase your memories and mind and then Stacie sees Jabberjays and Bucky puts a mouth guard in Stacie's mouth and he turns on the machine on and Stacie starts screaming and after that Bucky sent the jabberjays into the arena and Leah was looking around for Stacie and Leah hears Stacie screaming from the jabberjays .


What Leah is wearing this chapter

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What Stacie is wearing this chapter

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