Time travel /meeting the shadow

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Two years later

Lucy gray was sitting on the porch holding her guitar singing the old therebefore and Sejanus is chasing down a now four year olds Stacie and Leah and a five year old Karley is hanging from a tree she was climbing on and reaper is cutting trees down for fire wood and Katniss is by the lake fishing to give to those who are less fortunate .

Later on Peeta and Coriolanus walk into the yard and Coriolanus says we have to go to the capital now on a trip to dr Benjamin Gauls lab and president Aaron want to meet us and then Katniss says do you think he want to kill us or something and Coriolanus says no he wants to meet you all and your kids .

Peeta says we do have to make a stop at district 4 because he wants meet Finnick and his kid and Annie and then they pack there bags and they went to the station and haymitch and Effie went on the train with them and they went to sit at different spots in the train car and Effie says haymitch I swear if I see you drink a single drink drop of alcohol I will divorce your ass and haymitch says I won't but don't be a bitch and loosen your corset have some food to eat .

Reaper says well aren't they a colorful pair an twit who is a wannabe capital citizen and the town drunk and he's is a man child when he is drunk and Katniss laughs at what reaper says and she says good one but haymitch is like a father to me and Effie is like a mom to Peeta and then Coriolanus says there is no alcohol here because of president bucky he gave it to the capital but he does do white powder that he sniffs up his nose and smokes something else if you get what I mean and reaper says so he does pot .

Haymitch says ha he laughs'' told you I was not worse dearest and Effie say's fine I admit that and Lucy gray says in her country accent well your both fine mentors and once the train stopped in district 4 Finnick and Annie and there son Charlie got on and Charlie took a real liking to Karley and he and Karley are the same age as her and once in the train reached the capital.

They all got off the train and Charlie kept pulling Leah's hair and Leah smacks him and they walk towards the capital building and Coriolanus lead them right in and he knocks on the door of president bucky's office and they hear a deep masculine voice say come in and they walk into his office and Katniss sees half of the office is dark near his desk and president bucky turns on the light and walks away from his desk and Peeta sees a tall very muscular man with a sharp jaw line wearing an all back suit he sits on the couch and he says well I heard dr Benjamin Gaul gave you life's blood .

How has it been working the serum in
You had gotten and Katniss says we did not get the serum and president Bucky says well you all here will get it for those who don't have it and the kids will get it too and then they go the lab of dr Benjamin Gaul and he stands near a tank with rainbow snakes in it and Coriolanus says well this must be a haul family thing with the rainbow snakes.

And Benjamin says ah welcome back I also want to tell you we want to start time travel experiment it involves the possibility of the serum has to be in you and he injects the serums into Leah and Karley and Stacie and Katniss and Peeta and Gale and Annie and Charlie and Finnick and haymitch and Effie and they stepped onto a platform and Benjamin clicked a button and when they woke up they looked around and Katniss says wow this is district 12 in the past and Sejanus says yes this is after the 10th hunger games .

And Effie says well it's certainly better then before and then a few minutes later they got back to the lab and Benjamin says how was the past and they say it's ok Effie say's and then Sejanus says I hope no one saw us or our past selves and Benjamin Gaul says of you can avoid them but it won't change what happens.

And Effie says well it's certainly better then before and then a few minutes later they got back to the lab and Benjamin says how was the past and they say it's ok Effie say's and then Sejanus says I hope no one saw us or our past selves and Benja...

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Katniss and baby Leah

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Katniss and baby Leah

Katniss and baby Leah

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Sorry for the long chapter

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Sorry for the long chapter

theboys_fan123 KarleyBlogs

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