14 years later/the reaping

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Early in the morning it was Leah 15th birthday and Sejanus runs up to Leah and picks her up and spins her in his arms and kisses her on the lips and then Peeta come into the room and sejanus brakes the kiss and stands further away from Leah and Katniss "walks up to Leah and pinches Leah's cheeks and says your not a baby any more your a young woman and Peeta says my little girl is all grown up she is not the same baby that's used to toddle around in her onesie and diaper holding on to her training bow and arrow set and I remember when she shot her first deer she was a fussy cranky Toddler who was potty training at the time .

Leah says mom please can I go to the lake with Sejanus we want to spend the day there and Katniss says ok but don't be there all night and be back by five am in the morning because we need your help baking a cake for Stacie birthday on Saturday and Leah says ok mom and Peeta hands Leah a picnic basket and a picnic blanket and leah and

Sejanus go out to the lake by the snows cabin and Sejanus sets up the picnic blanket and Leah says let's go for a swim and Leah takes off her sunglasses and sun dress and her shoes and jumps into the lake and Sejanus takes off his shorts and tank top and his sunglasses and jumps in the lake after her .

Later at midnight Sejanus had leah in his lap they were kissing under the stars and they make out until 3 am in the morning and then Sejanus carries leah on his back to the mellark house and into her room and lays her on the bed and he lays next to her in bed .

A few days later on Saturday

In the bakery Leah was covered in cooking flour and she was helping make Stacie's 12 birthday cake but she was nervous because today was also reaping day so she knew she needed to help look after Stacie if she got chose for the games and Karley was helping make the frosting but Karley's mind knew she had to look after both Stacie and Leah if they were picked in the games she will protect them with her life if necessary .

They walk towards the snows cabin and Sejanus walks in and Stacie runs towards Leah and hugs her and says what do you think of my outfit for reaping day and Leah says it's nice and Leah hugs Stacie and says I will be there for you no matter what happens ok your like a little sister to me and I don't want to lose you ok and Stacie nods and say's can I have the cake now please sissy and Leah say's of course and Leah hands Stacie a small gift and Leah says it's a bracelet I made it with the help of my mom we have matching ones now .

After Stacie's party was over Stacie and reaper sit outside cuddling each other and reaper kisses Stacie's cheek and he says no matter what happens I will always love you forever ok don't be scared he puts a necklace around her neck it's got a ring on it and he says it's a promise ring and Stacie says it's pretty and then they hear the three whistles from the coal mine and then reaper and Stacie walk towards the center of district 12 and Stacie runs over to Leah and grabs her hand and as they go closer Stacie saw they were taking blood and Stacie started to freak out and Leah hugs Stacie and says it's ok it's only a little drip of blood nothing to fear .

As the peacekeeper medic Vee and dr Benjamin Gaul put Stacie's blood into a small pen looking machine and he sends her into the crowd by the other 12 year olds and then they take Leah's blood and they send her to her age group and then Effie steps onto stage and says welcome welcome happy hunger game to you all and may the odds ever be in your favor now let's get to the reaping first let's start with the girls and a peacekeeper Sargent walks up to Effie and whispers in her ear and say's president Bucky says new rule you must chose 3 boys and 3 girls .

Effie says ok now there is a new rule change by president Bucky instead of one of each we now must have three and then Effie puts her hand in the bowl and grabs the first girl name and she announces Karley hawthorn and she grabs another name out of the bowl and announces Leah Mellark and Effie grabs another name from the bowl and announces Stacie snow gray and Sejanus yells your monsters all of you and reaper yells she is just a kid you murders and then Effie calls the boys names and she says Jacob and Carlisle and Adam .

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