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Dear Diary,

I lost control. Again.

The next day when I reluctantly returned to work, I found the twins apologizing profusely, as if they were not the Lords of Rivendell, sons of Lord Elrond. Sure enough, remembering how nice Glorfindel actually was, I forgave them. But then Elladan had to tell me that even yesterday, was just another prank, where they made it seem as if I'd completely lost 2 days of work. When he showed me that the actual paper that I'd been working on was fine and unharmed-I was gone.

The rage and hurt from their lack of professionalism the day before that hadn't completely dissipated yet, suddenly started bubbling up. All I saw was red, and at that critical moment, my body decided to do the thinking for me and decided that I was a quarterback. I charged at the oldest son of Elrond, forgetting the fact that just the day before Glorfindel had told me that either twins were formidable fighters. While Elladan just stood there wide eyed, like an immovable wall, I tumbled against his chest and into the floor, ending up with me dislocating the joint on my wrist.

As soon as I was able to regain control of my own nervous system from my own treacherous body, it was only then that I realize that I: 1) was NOT a quarterback, and 2) had a built akin to a tall hobbit, about half the size of an Elladan or an Elrohir, or for your additional reference, about one third size of a Glorfindel.

To my surprise, this incident was the first time I've seen the two demons acted civilly, like a normal grown elves, and I hate to admit they were pretty sweet afterwards, and I was left not knowing what to do with them, or myself as Elrohir, being the actual healer, was-get this-professionally treated me like a human being that was his patient.

To my relief, ever since that day, the twins had ceased all games and quit devising any elaborate pranks on me again and resorted only into verbally teasing me. Elladan suddenly knew when was time for actual work, and when to start being playful, and Elrohir kept checking on me everyday to make sure I was not in any pain.

Two weeks had passed, and my wrist was out of its cast, but still flared especially at night. Not wanting to raise any questions, I have been wearing long sleeved tunic since the fall because if people knew, they'll either think that: 1) I'm an idiot, or 2) The twins are idiots.

The twins are still idiots, no doubt, but they have been nice idiots ever since, and I gathered enough from our last encounter that Glorfindel cared about these two like family, so I chose not to make a big deal out of it.

After coming home from a week long patrol at the border, the seasoned warrior appeared in the dining hall as I was eating alone and joined me at my table to make small talks.

And by small talks, mostly it was me who was doing the talking. I just couldn't help myself. He noticed me dropped my fork several times and asked about it, but I only gave him savory answer, like: I fell. Other than that, not much to talk about really, since he apparently looked like he had signed a mental NDA regarding borders security.

Every Wednesday, I had the time to myself, so I went to that library where I first thought was haunted and went to the back of it to see what was in there. Sure enough, there was a hidden back door to it, built seamlessly to the wall, connecting to another hallway.

Huh. I just debunked the ancient elf ghost mystery.

After that, I decided to stay back there, sitting between two bookshelves and indulged myself on an interesting new book.

Life was good at that moment.

The sounds of two elves talking in Sindarin was heard from a few shelves behind me. I ignored them, until one of them started speaking in Westron.

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