update: something really fucking funny

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ok so I don't know what else to write today since (as I already knew,) this story is getting no reads 😭

so I just thought of something funny(or maybe not????) that happened to me once and I just felt like writing about it.

so basically long story short, this happened in like 2020 and it was during the GOOD DAYS when origins of Olympus was still ongoing  and stuff. it was during season 2 I think. yeah.  so basically, back then I had this old crappy iPad I used to use and my parents decided to just let me have it since it was damn near broken. 

mind you, all my other stuff was taken from me at the time because I was GROUNDED. 

SO WHAT IM SAYING IS, my parents were really REALLY strict about YouTube and all of that stuff so they didn't know anything about ORIGINS OF OLYMPUS obviously. and that I was secretly watching it behind their backs :D. 

yes, I was using the crappy tablet because I HAD TO. My last resort was the tv if I couldn't watch my favorite roleplay on this dumbass iPad that's broken. 

so technically for almost maybe 5 in a half months, I've been thriving on one thread with that broken iPad, and well...

it definitely came back to me :D

cause for some reason the gods just wanted to curse me.

so, I was eating lunch while I was waiting for an Origins of Olympus episode to premier.

for the hecking hecletons sake, it was LITERALLY THIS CLOSE (like about five minutes) until it finally started and I was HYPED.

(this was during the aphrodite ball arch thingy)

but sadly enough my parents walked in at the WRONG ASS TIME (more specifically my MOM)

and she was like, "What is that, skinnyimuzz?" (I'm not saying my actual name ahahaha)

and I was like: "SHIT!!!" 

and I was trying so hard to quickly get off the page I was on and I was PANICKING. 

(this is so fucking funny bro the things i sacrificed for this series that didn't even FINISH)

my mom was at her limit at this point so she just snatched the iPad from me and started elegantly looking through it like it was some sort of important police investigation.

and I was internally SCREAMING.


cause my mom is a CHRISTIAN.

she would absolutely FLIP if she found out I was watching something other than GOD JESUS THE SON OF GOD stuff.

and I was watching something that literally contradicts that :D

and she was MADDDD.

she HATES Minecraft as well. (for whatever reason) and never let me play it.

and it's funny cause for a second she actually thought I WAS playing it because origins of Olympus is a MINECRAFT roleplay series. and I had to remind her......YOU DON'T EVEN LET ME DOWNLOAD ANYTHING ON THERE WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSIONNN!!!!

I literally had to find a cheat way to get onto YOUTUBE, cause yes the actual app was blocked.

mind you, I was also already grounded, so this was just adding more fuel to my fire (UUUGHGHGH)

so she was going through all the tabs n stuff I had out from like DAYS ago. and...like.....i was so...i was so.....


BIG FATASS ORIGINS OF OLYMPUS RANTS(mainly pt 2)Where stories live. Discover now