Prologue: Coming Out.

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Joey's POV

When I was about a teen, I used to always feel different from all the boys in school. They played sports, they had more muscles then me blah blah blah.

When all the guys liked girls I didn't. This part of life was already hard but then my stupid ass dad divorced my mom. But my mom married my stepdad which was really nicer than the old one. He helped me when I was getting bullied, and more. My big sister, Nicole also helped me when I was getting bullied but she was also rude sometimes lol.

Everyone thought I was "gay" at school but I actually didn't know myself. Well, my mom had a baby which was my little brother, Jett who has autism. It was really hard to understand him and he has tamper tantrums a lot.

I moved on to college and then I discovered YouTube. I started making videos about my life. Well my views and subscribers grew very fast so I thought I could have a big chance of getting a job from that. I quitted college.

My parents didn't understand why but I told them that I was following my dreams and not to worry. Then my mom became an alcoholic. I thought, " What am I supposed to do with my life?" Well my mom goes through therapy so it helps her a lot and I'm really supportive.

I finally understood who I was and I "came out of the closet" to my closest friends and my family. They were very supportive.

Daniel's POV

When I was in grade 8, I was really made fun of,and I felt different from all the other boys so yeah and I really was attracted to boys so I knew I was gay from the beginning and I accepted my self for who I am.

I hope you guys liked my prologue for my story: Janiel, a love story. Please vote if you liked it and also follow. This will let me know if you like this fan fiction and if you want more!

Joey Graceffa Instagram fan account: j.o.e.ygraceffa


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