Chapter 4- A Familiar Face?

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Enjoy this chapter!







As Cale opened his eyes he was greeted with a small silver butterfly that was sitting on his nose. He brought a hand to the small animal in  hopes it would crawl on his finger but the animal  was like glueded to his nose. When he sat up in the bed his eyes began to itch from the crying and the butterfly left and sat on the nightstand beside the black sword.

The sword shines in the sunlight as the red head took it and rested it in his lap and knocks could be heard on the door. "Come in." was his short reply as the door opened. He was now face to face with a pretty lady that bowed to him "Forgive me for interupting but lord Chengzhu and master Xie Lian wanted me to wake you and bring you to them. They wish to have breakfeast with you." the reed head noded his head to the woman and stood up from the bed.

Cale dressed himself in a simple black robe and followed the woman to a hall where he could see Xie Lian and Hua CHeng sit at a table with many different dishes. The two looked at him and wished him a 'good morning' as he sat at the left side of Hua Cheng.

"Today I planned to show you the rest of ghost city if you are still intrested, Cale." Hua Cheng said as he rested his head on his hand. "Ah, It would be my honour to see this beautiful city the great Hua Chengzhu build." Cale looked into the visible black-brown eye of the man to his right. Xie Lian chocked on his sip that he took at the coment the red head made.

Hua Cheng rubbed the back of the poor god as he grinned at Cale. "Oh I thank you for the compliment. I would be pleased to get to know what you think of this ones humble city." Cales eye twitched this is like back then when he was 20 and had a 'normal' conversation with his sworn brother and the Crown Prince of Roan, Alberu Crossman.

Cales expresion turned into one of annoyance and as his mind thought of something he could say back to Hua Cheng that would annoy him, in the moment he opened his mouth, Xie Lian quickly said that he was curious abour where Cale came from.

"Hm? You want to know where I'm from? Alright, my home is in a kingdom callen Roan i come from a wealthy family and had a younger brother and sister. I was part of the allied army, the people in this group were like my family one could say." Xie Lian and Hua Cheng listened to every word that came out of his mouth. "Why would there be need of an allied army this can only mean that there was a war that one kingdom or nation couldn't fight alone, right?" Xie Lian said.

"Yes, I fought in many wars that influenced the whole country I come from. My group and I mostly fought against a group called arm and the White Star, he was a incarnator that lived for 1000 years. The humans had to fight alongside many diffrent races like Dragons, Elves, Dark Elves, Necromancer and Beast people therefore the name allied army. In the end we all payed a high price."

The couple looked at Cale and decided not to talk about this topic anymore when they saw the sadness in the eyes of the ghost. The finished eating and went out to look at the city and eat clean streat food that Hua Cheng found suited for them.

Cale walked infront as his eyes cought sight of a mass of black hair. After looking a bit longer black eyes came into view and he stopped immediately wich confused the two behind him. He shoock his head and looked again this time the person could not be seen so he told himself that his head was toying with him.

The ghost king and god became worried as the red head began to mumble to himself and stared at one spot like he can see something that noone else can. Some minutes later the young ghost shook his head and began walking like nothing happened as the two left behind traded glances of confucion and worry whit one another.

They reached paradise manor at the evening as Hua Cheng told stories of the time he build the city and when he 'first' met his gege. Xie Lian flushed a bright red as he heard the stories Hua Cheng told the youngest of the three. "San Lang!" he complained as he covered his face with his hands. Hua Cheng chuckled softly as he enjoyed seeing his beloved husband blushing because of something he said.

With the proud smirk turning into on of seriosness he turned to Cale and said "Since you saw all of the city would you like to return to the mortal world or stay here for some more nights?" the small ghost thought about the answer as much as he liked staying wiht the two he needed to return to his small house in the woods. He also couldn't forget why he still is in this world if he did that means he would forget his family and all the horrible things they faced.

"I have urgent matters to do so I need to return." Cale said as he thought about the city 2 days worth of travelling away from the place he lives in. You see after Cale found this city he made a deal with the people that live there. He would protect it and he will get everything he needs for free as long as the city will not be damaged by it.

The city people began to worship him but he said he doesn't want to be worshipped everything he does to stop the humans from doing so was always a failure so he gave up. In the city the people refered to him by 'Silver Shield Raining Ashes' or 'Lord Silver Shield' because he told them stories about the war and used his shield once to protect the citicents from stones that rolled down the mountain. His existence as a ghost king was keept secret  as he didn't wish to attract attention and risk the lives that are under his protection.

"If you want we can help you with the matter. I still want to see the city near where you live." the god dressed in white said. Cale sighed and with one simple nod they went in seperate directions to thei rooms and in the morning they would make their way to the city.

Cale sat on his bed and could only hope that the people won't accidentally reveal his identity. He cleared his head and as he was about to close his eyes he heard a voice in his head that sounded like a woman begging him for help.








Hi sorry if this isn't good like the others my emotions are all over the place also if you have name ideas for the city please tell me I'm bad at this part!

Hope you enjoyed!

Words- 1193

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