Chapter 2- Beginning of a new adventure

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I found random tcf and tgcf memes and I want to share them with you guys!

Enjoy! :D






Cale woke up in the morning as the soft light of the rising sun shone trough the window directly onto his face. With a groan he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and combed his hair with his fingers as he stood up from the bed he layed on. The first thing he noticed as he left the room was that the room where his table was placed was recently cleaned.

He turned his atention to the person that smiled at him in the dorway with- a broom? He was confused why Xie Lian sweped the floar as he tried to reasure him that it really wasn't necessary to do this but the brown haired male stubbornly said that it was the least he could do for his hospitality.

"Where's San Lang? I don't see him anywhere." Cale asked the slightly taller (Cale is 177cm Xie Lian is 178cm pls correct me if i'm wrong) man. "Oh San Lang went out to collect fire wood for you." was the answer in reality Hua Cheng went out to clear his mind and eventualy collect the wood.

"Since you're a ghost can i ask how old you are? I'm curious since I mainly know ghost that are 300-800+ years old." he heard Xie Lians voice, "I'm 120. I haven't meet many other ghosts." Cale looked to Xie Lian as he began to tell stories about the ghost king's and ghost city.

"It sounds like a beautiful place. I hope i can visit it in my future" Cale said with a small smile. Xie Lian chuckeled, "Yes, it is beautiful. The color of your hair reminds me of it. Were you born with this color or did you change it after you became a ghost?" the god's voice was filled with curiosity. "I'm born with this hair I inherited it from my mother." Cale answered while he glanced out of the window only to see Hua Cheng returning with a bundle of wood placed on his shoulders.

From what Cale saw of the ghost king's personality he couldn't stop thinking about Choi Han, Hua Cheng and the black haired korean are so similar and yet so different. He snapped out of his thoughts and greeted the third man warmly as they walked inside to cook something to eat before the duo and Cale would seperate again.

Inside the small house a foule smell could be detected. The youngest of the three looked over Xie Lians shoulder and paled. 'What is this!? Is he trying to poison us!?' was all he could think as he sat down on the table with an indifferent face so no one could see the discomfort the poor ghost was fealing.

Xie Lian looked at him with expectional eyes and he couldn't bring himself to refuse so he began to eat. The taste that filled his mouth was bad but not as bad as he thought it would be the only problem was the smell. When he countinued to eat the purple 'food', the color reminded him of many experiments Rosalyn and Eruhaben made togehter, Hua Cheng kept looking at him with what seemed to be symphaty and an emotion he can't guess.

After he finished the bowl he turned to the brown haired male and with a soft smile said "It was really good, thank you Xie Lian." Xie Lian, who was previously anxiosly fumbling with his sleves, widened his eyes that were shining and with a wide grin took the bowl and asked if he wanted more witch he politely denied.

 They started to share stories of their adventures between each other again while Hua Cheng sat and listened as the corners of his lips went slightly up. He was glad that his husband was enjoying himself but he still wanted to learn more about the misterious ghost that sat before him. When Xie Lian mentioned ghost city Hua Cheng told a few stories of it himself and when he saw the look in those reddish-grey eyes he smirked and commented "If you're this intrested maybe you should come with us and see for yourself."

"Maybe I will." Cale turned towards the red clothed man and smiled. "From what you both told me this city is special and I would love to see it and the one ruling it if I'm allowed to." Hua Cheng felt a chill running down his back as the smile on the face of the other was unsettling, it even gave of the aura of a threat!

Crimson Rain cleared his throat the smirk vanished as it was replaced with a toothy grin. The narrowed eye was placed on Cale and the only thing Cale could do was holding the contact and smile. "Okay, then it's setteled you will accompany us to my ghost city. I will have a room made ready for you when we arived." the deap voice said with amusement.

Meanwhile Xie Lian was confused with the tension between the two ghosts but continued to silently drink his tea. Xie Lian was exited that the young man would be traveling with them to Hua Chengs city. With a gentel smile he sat the teacup down and wathed the two smirking and glaring ghosts as none of the two were willing to back down. He didn't know if he should laugh or cry.

Around noon the trio packed their belongings the would take with them and cale stapped Raon on his waist as the sword pured softly. This would be the first time Cale would go this far from the house since he got the sword, his mind even screaming to refuse and stay home where he could life his slacker life!

Without looking back, because he knew he couldn't leave if he did, Cale walked away from his house and followed the other two men that lead him into his new adventure.








This part is a little shorter I wanted to update but haven't had much time to write. The next chapter will be a bit longer.

I hope you enjoyed! :D

Words- 1015

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