December 21, 1938

880 28 23

Dear Journal,

I bet you are wondering what happened. Why Nadette cut off like that. She heard me running from a soldier who was patrolling the area. I thought no one was here and didn't hesitate to walk through the streets of the place I once called home. Nadette must have heard because soon she came running. Well, she jumped to be more specific. We used to run along the rooftops of the bulidings. I took a wrong turn and came to a dead end. It was the same dead end that we used to get down from the roof.

Just as he shot at me, my little sister came swinging down from the rope on the rooftop. She landed right in front of me and the bullet hit her in the chest. She fell to the ground in pain. For a while everything was silent. I dropped to the ground and put her head on my lap. I looked up at the soldier as tears fell from my eyes. He looked to me, then Nadette. Instead of shooting me he looked at me sorrowfully. "Go kid, I never saw you here." He said. I picked up my sister and ran to our hide out. It is here that I write this last entry. Nadette is gone and I will forever be in her debt.

- Bernardo

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