December 1, 1938

887 27 7

Dear Diary,

Some of the soldiers are nicer than the others. They all come and collect their uniforms at the end of the day. A certain group of soldiers are very nice. They say please and thank you when they come in. Sometimes they sneak in and keep me company. Sadly, the people here aren't too friendly. Except this six year old little boy named Dustin. He's a bit of a rebel.

His mother told him not to speak to me for some reason. He didn't listen and came to tell me about it. I told him the he should obey his mother so she would be pleased. Apparently he ran back to his mother crying and blamed her for taking his best friend away from him. He didn't try and come talk to me for two days. On the third day his mother came to me and asked me what I had said to him.

Dustin had been down in the dumps but listened to his mother well. His mother felt guilty for treating me so badly after I relayed what I had told her son. She left soon after and came back with Dustin. At first he stood in the doorway looking at me. I gave him a small smile. He ran towards me and cried in my arms. I really like that kid.

- Nadette

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