In which everything went wonderfully wrong

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Paisley Pov

I woke up to my phone buzzing like crazy. I had about 100 texts from Cami

Do you mind explaining this???? jamalmusiala+paisleynaval+dating=isch&hl=en-GB&client=ms-ios-app-gj-rev1&prmd=inmsvbtz&T6uqDAxXsmScCHUsCDa

I clicked on the link to see what on earth was she talking about and my jaw dropped


Bayern Munich FC star - Jamal Musiala seen with singing sensation Paisley Naval. The pair was spotted in the Gaston theater along side the football player's little sister. Sources claim that the pair have been dating for quite some time. Both agencies of the stars have not responded to anything yet. Could this be our new power couple? Leave your thoughts in the comments section

"I am so dead" is the first thought that pops up into my head after I read the article

I quickly called Cami preparing to get yelled at.

"Paisley Marigold Naval, you are dead meat" she yells as soon as she picks up

"I know"

"Your fans are going crazy, his fans are going crazy, I've got several media houses bombarding my phone with calls and emails and that's just the tip of the iceberg" she screamed

"Can you scream at me later right now we need come up with a solution on how to deal with situation" I calmly said

"Well, right now the company is planning on denying the rumours and booking you the first flight home"

"Yeah no, that's not going to work for me"

"Well then you better give me a better solution asap or else the company is running with their idea" she sassed

"We can always say I just happened to bump into Jamal as I am in Germany for my break and seeing as Jamal and I are friends, we decided to hang out plus I am an ambassador for his brand so it won't look very suspicious"

"That could work, let me just call the boss for confirmation"

"You are such a darling"

"I'm still not done with you"

Soon after Cami hung up, Jamal facetimed me me

"Paisley, are you okay?" he asked before I could even greet him

"Yes, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, the media is having a field day today" he sarcastically said

"Yeah, people are going crazy over two young adults hanging out. It's pretty ridiculous if you ask me" I rolled my eyes

"Well my agent thinks it's a good idea to deny the rumours since we are both at the peak of our careers"

"Well my company wants to deny the rumours and book me a one way ticket back home-"

"What? You can't leave yet" Jamal cut me off

"Don't worry, I told Cami not to run with that instead say that we are just friends who were just hanging out since we can't really deny the fact that we were indeed hanging out"

"I can't believe we have to hide our relationship because some fans have these weird parasocial relationships with us. Like excuse me people, you don't own us, we are not your objects that you can control, if we were meant to be controlled we'd come with remotes attached to us. When are they gonna understand that we are also human beings who deserve to experience love" he rants

"It's part of the job I guess but it's m really starting to piss me off though" I click my tongue

"Imagine how things will be when we get married" he says casually

"You wanna marry me?" I wriggle my eyebrows and smirk

"Yeah. Paisley or nothing" he boldly says

"I've got to go. I have a zoom meeting with my PR manager in about ten minutes so we'll talk later?"

"Definitely. Training is also about to start. Love ya"

"Love ya too" I blow a kiss and hang up 

James - my PR manager, advised me to not go on  social media for a while and avoid being seen with Jamal for a while till things calm down. I decided to work on my unfinished song - Dance Escape...

My therapy is in dance
Moving my hands
Moving my legs
Listen to the calm in music (in the music)
Consuming all my thoughts and setting me free, free, free
Just let me get lost in the music
Let it take control of me
Curing my depression
The strongest drug, my first love
Let me dance
Let me dance
You don't understand (understand)
Its the rhythm, the beat the lyrics
Taking me to another world
Shaking my bones, shaking my soul

While I was getting lost in writing the final parts of my song, my loud ringtone interrupted me. It was my mom and I was really not in the mood for one of her lectures so I reluctantly picked uo the phone

"Hey mom"

"Hey Pai" she said sweetly which I found weird but dismissed

"How are you holding up? I just saw the article"

"I'm doing great. Well the article didn't affect me. It's just the media being the media"

"So you are still dating Jamal?"

"Yeah, is there any reason I wouldn't be?" I asked curiously

"Well the article stated otherwise but that's probably fake news"

"What article?"

"Don't worry about that"

"I'll talk to you later mom" I said

"Wait Paisley-" I hung up

I went on the internet and typed in "Jamal Musiala latest dating news" and his agency popped up. It had just put out a statement two hours ago...

Rumors of Jamal Musiala and Paisley Naval are dating are just baseless rumours, the two just friends. Jamal Musiala is currently in a long term relationship with Lola Reeves. We urge fans to support the young couple going forward.

What The Actual Fuck?

Author's Note: 700 reads?? Thank you guys for reading and voting💛💛💛 Please start commenting though, don't be shy ;)

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