Romeo Perhaps?

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"Nothing is going on between me and Jamal" I quickly said

"It sure doesn't seem like nothing" she said still smirking

"Well it is nothing" I said and with that I took out my phone checked my instagram notifications

Jamal Musiala has tagged you in a photo

I clicked on it and saw that it was the photo we took at the stadium, with the laptop "look who I met today". I liked the photo and commented with a white heart.

We arrived at the hotel and I started packing since I was leaving the next day.

After I was finished packing I got a message from an unknown number


Who are you?

Forgot about me already? Its Jamal

I'm so sorry... some my fans are crazy and stalk me and they have habits of texting or calling me after illegally obtaining my number.

That must be rough.

I'm used to it though. Its the life of any superstar in the 21st century.

Football fans are also starting to lose it. We can't even do normal stuff like going grocery shopping without our bodyguards, its kinda annoying

I guess we have something in common ;)

I was wondering if you wanted to hang out some time?

Well today is my last night in Germany but my flight is at 6pm tomorrow so maybe we can meet up right now.

Give me your location and I'll fetch you

Hermosa hotel

I'll be there in 15 minutes

I changed from afternoon outfit to some cargo pants and a oversized sweater. I put on my mask and bucket hat.

I'm outside, grey Range Rover

I stealthily snuck out of my room because Cami would go ballistic if she knew that I was going somewhere with a boy I had just met.

I spotted the car, Jamal was outside the car and opened the car door for me and got in the drivers seat.

"Ready for an adventure" he said and grinned

"I was born ready" I said also grinning

We drove for a while until we got to a forest and suddenly I didn't feel safe anymore

"You aren't some serial killer right?" I said

Jamal burst out laughing

"Trust me I'm definitely not a serial killer" he said

"That's what a serial killer would say" I said

"I have something to show you", he said and with that he took ahold of my hand and led me to the most beautiful lake I have ever seen in my entire life. The stars were reflected on the water and the stillness of the night just made everything surreal.

I looked at Jamal, the moonlight was shinning on his face and I was sure that the angels in heaven looked like him. He turned to look at me and I couldn't help but stare back. He leaned in and kissed me, I kissed him back. It was my first kiss and my heart almost burst with joy.

We headed back to my hotel an hour later and the whole drive back, Jamal held my hand. Whenever our eyes met my stomach would do somersaults.

We arrived at the hotel and Jamal looked at me like I was a piece of art then I got shy and looked away. He gently took my face in his hands and kissed me, this kiss was better than the one by the lake. Our lips moved in sync like they were made for each other.

"I really like you" he said

"I really like you too" I said

"But you're leaving" he pouted

"I promise I'll come back and visit you" I said feeling a bit sad that I had to leave.

"Pinky promise" he said and held out his pinky

"Pinky promise", I said as I hooked his pinky with mine

Jamal went to open my door and I stepped out and hugged him for what seemed like an eternity.

We finally parted ways and sneakly went to my room, I finally reached my room and quietly closed the door

"Where have you been" Cami yelled, her eyes red with anger

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