I Can't Stay Away

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I woke up to the smell of chocolate chip pancakes. My favourite. I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face before going to the kitchen.

"Good morning mom"

"Good morning, did you sleep well?" my mom asked while plating up my pancakes

"That was the best sleep I've had in months" I said as stuffed my mouth with a pancake

"Now that you are well rested, tell me about your boyfriend", she said sitting across from me

"Well his name is Jamal, he is 20 years old, he plays for Bayren, he has a little sister named Rory - who also happens to be a fan of my music", I smiled at the thought of little Rory

"Judging by the way you are smiling, I guess you just really like this guy" she said

" I don't just like him, I love him. I know what you are thinking - its too soon but Jamal is perfect, he's kind, funny, caring-

"Okay, I get it" my mom said stopping me in the middle of my rant

"I'm glad you do" I said

"Cami called, she said she's coming over in the afternoon", she said

I simply nodded and went back to my room. I wasn't angry at her anymore, I guess the extended stay really helped.

Noon arrived and Cami arrived

"Hey" she said


"How have you been?" she asked trying to diffuse the tension

"I've been good, how have you been?"

"I've been doing alright, listen, I'm sorry for everything that happened, I shouldn't have told you to end things with Jamal.I was just trying to protect your image. You know that your fans aren't necessarily the nicest people, even his fans tend to be a little crazy so if they found out about your relationship, it would be a disaster. I thought that I was doing the right thing by telling you to end things with him but you were right, the fans need to know that you aren't an object they can control in fact, you are not an object, you are a fully functioning human being who deserves also experience love like other human beings." she said

I just put my arms around her and she hugged me back

"Okay, let me go Mrs Musiala" she teased

We ended up catching up and discussing my schedule for the next three months but we eventually decided that I was gonna die from exhaustion if I kept on working so I'd take a break for a month

I texted Jamal after that

Guess what?

You miss me as much as I miss you so you are coming to visit me??

No, I have to work for 2 whole months before I can get a break :(

So that's why you seemed so excited a moment ago?


You're weird. I like it. ;)

After texting for a while I finally started packing. Of course, I lied to Jamal because I want to surprise him.

"Germany here I come!...again"

Authors Note: Thank you so much for reading. Please remember vote and leave a comment ❤ ❤❤

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