Panic attack

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Summary: Charlie's having rough day and it spills into a panic attack, thankfully nick is present to help calm him down
Pairing: Nick Nelson x Charlie Spring
Trigger Warnings: Sexual assault and eating disorders hinted to ( not directly mentioned but 'if you know you know' type )
Content Warnings: Panic Attacks

Saturday was date day! It always had been, even when Charlie was in rehab, Nick made a point to go down and visit him even if they spent their day in a talking area. Usually date day was spent at the cinema, beach, going to cute cafes, going to London, anything - sometimes even Darcy and Tara would tag long.

The duo spent their Friday evening together as well, after school the two fell through Nicks front door and spent their evening hanging with his mum and dogs. Nights like that seemed to keep Charlie thankful for what he had, a second family for when his own got a little to much.

Charlie hadn't had the best day in the world, his head felt a little unattached to he shoulders. Often drifting off into his brain during his lessons and not speaking too much at lunch. It was almost inevitable that Charlie would end up sound asleep in Nicks arms instead of going home. His boyfriend had half a thought about him having a bad day.

"Oh he's asleep, bless him." Sarah, Nick's mum, gushed at the boy who was coddled up in her sons arms on the sofa. Nick glanced down, an uncontrolled smiled on his face. "He's been a bit quiet today?"

"I thought that too." Nick put a hand in the boys hair, rolling the curls round his fingers, "He was a little distant all day. In form he just had his head on my shoulder and at lunch, I think he spoke all of about 6 words."

"Love him. Has his mum been a bit much again?"

"He hasn't said anything. Maybe it's just one of them days?"

"Lemme text his mum, tell her he'll stay here tonight." She reached for her phone, "Thats about as peaceful he's look all day" she nudged over to them.

Nick smiled at his mums remark, he loves his ability to calm the war in his head, even if only when he's sleeping. "I'm gonna take him upstairs." Nick lifted him up into his arms as he stood off the sofa, very much thankful of his rugby build in that moment. His mum watched with a proud smile, "Night mum, love ya."

"Night Nicky!" She watched her boy lovely remove himself from the room and disappear up the stairs.

Much to Nick's disliking, a part of him would've loved to roll over onto Charlie that morning and kept them knitted into his sheets for the day but he knew if he'd cancel a date, he'd wouldn't ever hear the end of it.

"Char?" Nick mumbled into his ear, hoping to softly wake the boy.


"C'mon, we've got things to do"

"Mmm" He groaned rolling into the older boy. Charlie had noticed the heavy feeling still present on his shoulder, he too would've spent the day in bed but he knew Nick had a foreign soft spot for planning date days. "2 more minutes"

"Nah, c'mon!" Charlie felt two loving taps to the small of his back.

Their date was steady and simple, Nick took Charlie to a new bookshop in town and they decided to get lunch after in their favourite cafe. Nick having his staple tea and bacon sandwich, and Charlie: his omelette (Nick had noted the majority of meal was Charlie circling his fork around the plate, he knew today maybe a bit much for him, he noticed Charlie in his infamous big wooly jumper - his comfort jumper for when the bad days arrived)

When they got home, Charlie was head deep in book laying on Nick's bed, Nick was sat on his bean bag over looking the room - mostly at Charlie.

He noticed he was staring at him again. The thoughts of Charlie not really eating at lunch kept replaying in his head. And the jumper he had on. Charlie was going through a good streak lately. Just seeing the jumper out again make Nick feel slightly uneasy.

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