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Summary: Nick keeps messing with Charlie throughout the day, so after school, Charlie decides to get revenge.

seemed that Nick was in a particularly playful, romantic mood. Normally, Charlie wouldn't mind it one bit. The only problem was that they were in school, and while they weren't hiding their relationship, it was incredibly distracting.

Sitting in form, flying through a sheet of mathematical equations, Charlie was so focused that he didn't notice Nick's hand creeping closer beneath the table. It wasn't until the hand had latched onto his kneecap that Charlie gave a startled twitch, and it was too late to stop the surprised giggle that escaped him as Nick squeezed.

Quickly covering the giggle up with a very non-convincing cough, Charlie shot Nick a glare which held no actual disdain. "What was that for?" he asked. His homework now sported a very messy answer to the fourth question, however it was still legible.

Nick shrugged, a mischievous smile curled on his lips. "You're just cute," he replied simply.

Charlie felt his face flush. "Stop," he said, but the shy smile he sported proved he wasn't annoyed at all.

Nick had retracted his hand from Charlie's knee, but now he reached to poke at his side. Thankfully, through his blazer it wasn't too unbearable of a sensation, but Charlie still had to choke down another giggle.

"Knock it off, you're gonna get us in trouble," he said.

With a joking pout, Nick backed off and returned to his own assignment.

For the rest of the period, Charlie felt giddy and on edge from the tickling, not sure where this boldness had come from in Nick, but he wasn't complaining. It was nice to have a boyfriend who wasn't afraid to touch him in public, even if that touch was of the ticklish variety.

After form, Charlie put the moment out of his mind as he went through his other classes. It wasn't until lunchtime that he saw Nick again, out at the tables and joined by Tao and Isaac.

Charlie sat at the table beside Nick, giving his friends a smile. As the four of them ate and chatted, Nick snuck his arm around Charlie's waist.

Stuttering on his words, Charlie felt himself turning pink again, and his friends exchanged amused smiles at how easy it was for Nick to distract him.

"What book are you reading now, Isaac?" Nick asked. "I swear, you fly through those so fast, I never see you with the same one twice."

"Oh, it's by this great lesbian author, Nina LaCour, and it's—"

Charlie was interested in learning about the book his friend was reading, but any opportunity to listen to Isaac was completely demolished by the fact that Nick started wiggling fingers over his side, making him bite his lip as he tried to not laugh over Isacc's answer.

Nick pretended like nothing was happening, just listening intently to Isaac and nodding like he wasn't tormenting his boyfriend at the same time. "That sounds like a good one," Nick said casually as he tweaked the bottom of Charlie's ribs.

That gained a little laugh from Charlie, causing his friends to look at him in confusion.

"What's got you so amused?" Tao asked.

Charlie shot Nick an accusatory glare, making Nick grin.

"I was just tickling him," he replied simply.

Tao and Isaac both smiled at their friend's embarrassment.

"Just so you know, his neck is extremely ticklish," Tao said, shooting Nick an overexaggerated wink.

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