Where men are delusional

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"Chaaaar?" I'm standing in the middle of the dancefloor, looking around for the Monegasque who seems to have disappeared. Oh well, one person dance party it is then. At this point I've lost count of all the shots I took tonight, only remembering the bottle of champagne I shared with Lando. I'm singing along to the music when I feel a pair of hands on my hips. Assuming it's Charles, I keep dancing until the song ended before I turn around. The first thing I notice are blonde hairlocks. When did he go blonde? Then the blue shirt, I could've sworn Charles was wearing a white one when we left.. Maybe he changed? And then deep blue eyes. Now I know for a fact that Char's eyes are green, and as far as I know it's impossible to change eye colors. In conclusion; unless Charles is an alien, this dude ain't my man.

 "Oh.. Hello.. Alexander?" Of course, out of all the dudes in the room it had to be the dude from the bar.. "Hey babe!" Oh no no no. Not a chance in hell. I look around the room, hoping to find anyone who could possibly save me from this situation. It's as if the Gods above heard me when my eyes lock with Max. He seems to notice the discomfort in my eyes because he nods, making his way across the room. I'm kind of forced to focus on the blonde in front of me when his hands go lower than they should. I try taking a step back but my goddamn heels are working against me, giving the dude the impression I'm losing balance which he solves by pulling me closer. Fuck me. I can literally smell the alcohol on him. 

"You're really hot you know that?" Yes I do I've got Charles telling me that every time he sees me, no need for you to join the club mate. "Thank you?" Tell me why max is a fast mf on track and not in real life? Like? What's that all about? I'm pulled out of the blonde dude's grip by an arm around my shoulders. I swear to god if this isn't Max I might just go insane. I turn to look at one of my favourite honorary Belgians. 

"Hello mate. How are ya?" Lando tilts his head looking at me, waiting for confirmation I'm okay. Once he gets his answer he looks over at  the American in front of him. "Oh we're sorry, how rude. I'm Lando, nice to meet you." He probably doesn't even realize it, but the man is being sassy as fuck. "I'm Alexander. Babe! You know a F1 driver?" He tries sneaking his arms around my waist again but is blocked by Lando pulling me back a step. "Let's not." Lando offers the boy in front of us a fake smile. "There you are! Hello, Greg. Nice to meet you." Another arm is swung over my shoulders, so now I'm flanked by both Lando and Max. "You know Max Verstappen too?" I can't even answer because Lando does it in my place. "Seems like it no? Either way we're gonna head back to our mates. Lewis and Danny got their hands on more vodka and you, missy, are far too sober right now." I get poked in the side by Lando. "He's right babe, you need to loosen up.. if you know what I mean.." Max looks very disturbed and I'm pretty sure Lando's plotting a murder. 

"Mhm, sure. Right, I'm not drunk enough to deal with.. whatever this is.. so if you don't mind, we're leaving. Actually I really don't care if you mind. Buh-bye." Thank fuck for Lando and his intolerance for assholes. "Sure thing dude! I'll come find you guys in a bit!" "Like hell you will." Ah, my favourite alter ego of max just arrived. Sassy Greg. "Thank fuck. The dude was getting fucking creepy." "He looks like one of P's left handed drawings." Max mutters, still pretty annoyed with the guy. "That's FOUL." Let me tell you, whoever told you Max isn't a fucking sass machine, they LIED. 

"There they are! What took you so long?" Lewis is the first one to notice the three of us walking up the stairs to the VIP room. "We had a little encounter with a fan.. Nothing big." I'm only telling half a lie. "Oh and chances are a dude named Alexander shows up in a bit." Without any further explanation we join the rest of the group in the seating area. "Alright?" Lewis looks a little confused, but then decides to just roll with it. Charles is gesturing for me to sit with him, so that's exactly what I do. As soon as I sit down he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "What's up with you ma belle?" I lean my head against his chest. "Nothing much, a lot of dancing though. My feet are killing me right now." He chuckles at my comment. "Come here you." 

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