Where pranks go wrong

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"Bo Wolff I swear to god I'm going to kill you." "Now what would be the fun in thaaaa- shit fuck okay we're running apparently.. Fuck fuck fuck that man is fast.. If only his ferrari would go as fast- Oop he didn't like that comment. Yeah no definitely gonna kill me.. Fuck fuck fuck.. Shit I probably shouldn't curse on here. Merde. Okay guys, it was nice to have known you but I'm pretty positive I'm very much dead if Charlie over there catches me so I gotta got hide.. See you soon. At least I hope so. If I'm not dead? Bye!!" I run left and right and left again and then two times right but somehow the man is still running after me. I am so screwed...

Okay so you might wonder, Bo what the hell are you doing running and why is Charles chasing you? Well, funny story... As we all know I do all sorts of challenges and pranks with the drivers whenever I'm at races, right? Yeah so today we were going to do the ice bucket challenge with Carlos right? Except Carlos didn't know he was doing it, so it was kind of the ice bucket prank? Now, why isn't Carlos chasing me then you're probably asking? So, I positioned myself perfectly at the ferrari garage, putting this bucked filled with ice cold water on the door right? So when Carlos would walk through the door he'd get this cold shower? Yeah so everything was going perfect until Charles walked in, and not Carlos... So he got completely drenched in ice cold water. Then he saw me. Now I'm running for my life. The end.

I tried explaining to him that it was supposed to land on Carlos but he had this devious look in his eyes which kind of told me to run, sooo that's what we're doing. Okay corner, another corner, shit he's really close. Fuck fuck fuck. Do you guys have any idea what would happen if he caught me? No? Well, let me tell youuu-

I'm lifted off the ground and thrown over someone's shoulder. A rather muscular shoulder which tells me it's a driver. The red clothing giving away their team. At this point I'm praying it's Carlos who decided to play a stupid prank on me, but all that hope vanishes when I hear a laugh. "Caught you. I told you you wouldn't be able to get away from me ma belle." Shit shit shit. I'm absolutely fucked. "Let me down Leclerc or I swear-" I start hitting his back, although I highly doubt he even notices it the tiniest bit. I don't even get to finish my sentence or he's swinging me sideways. "Charles Marc Hervé Perceval Leclerc I'm going to be sick if you keep on swinging me around while I'm draped over your shoulder. Put. Me. Down." For the first time since ever a driver actually listens to me. "Ew my shirt is soaked and It's all your fault." I pout, trying to get the water out of my shirt. He chuckles deeply. "Yeah it's totally not like you were the one to dump an ice cold bucket of water over me for absolutely no reason. Something I'm going to take my revenge for about.. Now." He evilly grins, making me sprint away again, straight to the red bull garage which is the closest hiding spot at the moment.

"Hi Christian! Protect me!!" I half-yell as I hide behind my godfather, who's also the Red Bull team principal. "Hello love, what did you do now?" He chuckles, knowing me a bit too well. "Prank gone wrong." I quickly explain. "Who did you- never mind, I think I already know.." As he said, a certain ferrari driver is scanning the room to find me. "Bo!!" Two voices sound from behind me, making me curse slightly because now the Monegasque has found me. "Hi babies! I smile as I crouch down to meet Olivia and George's level. "What are you doing?" The girl asks, looking at me confused. "Yes Bo, what are you doing?" A familiar, at the moment maybe too familiar voice asks from behind me, making me slowly turn around. "I'm hiding.." I slowly say, not missing the amusement in his eyes. I am so so screwed. "From who?" George asks on his turn. "I look at the small boy. "From Charles over there.." I tell the kids, again, not missing Charles' wicked smile as he watches the situation play out. "Why?" Olivia asks again. Damn kids and their curiosity.

"Bo over here has been a bad girl. Do you know what she did?" Charles crouches down to their level, next to me. Of course the kids shake their heads. Way to have my back babes, way to have my back. "Oh, she didn't tell you?" The man next to me raises an eyebrow my way. I elbow him in the ribs, at least I try to but his goddamn driver reflexes caught me before I even got remotely close so now he's holding my hand. Great. "This one over here, has dumped a whole bucket of cold water over my head! So she's a bad girl, right?" The kids nod intensively. Oh for fucks sake. "Do you know what we do with bad girls?" He asks another question, catching my attention. Oh no. Oh no no no no no absolutely not. They both shake their head. Charles' eyes meet my half-panicked gaze and a smirk forms on his lips. Yup. Absolutely screwed. "Bad girls get punished." My eyes go wide. The two kids cheer. Of course they do, they're eight year olds. "So what do you think if we all took a bucket to fill with cold water and dump it on Bo's head?" See? Fucked.

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