Tea and shortbread

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His hands still rested on her knee, his thumbs caressed her skin slowly, back and forth. Minerva didn't move a muscle, she wasn't entirely sure whether she was breathing or not.
"Another tea?" His voice echoed inside her head, his slow deep yet monotone voice, though at this moment monotone wasn't quite the right word, Minerva detected a hint of something in his voice, it wasn't like his usual emotionless drawl, nor was it laced with sarcasm, but it was something, something Minerva couldn't quite put her finger on. She met his gaze again and oh, his eyes. They weren't cold and dark, as a matter of fact she detected a hint of warm chocolaty brown amongst the mix, how had she not noticed that before?

"I trained you well, a tea would be much appreciated." That came out far more breathy and desperate than Minerva would have liked. She sounded like someone who'd just climbed and missed all the stairs at Hogwarts, and mentally scorned herself. He smiled, chuckled would be more of an accurate description though a smile did linger on his lips. He moved his hand and she instantly missed the warmth of it. Her mind was soon preoccupied when he placed a hand either side of her legs on the settee and used it to get up. Minerva watched as he pushed himself up, slowly leaning into her as he did so.
"Perhaps some biscuits?" Minerva asked
"As you wish." With that he disappeared in to the kitchen, leaving Minerva to her very conflicted thoughts. With a deep sigh Minerva couldn't help but smile as she sunk further back into the cushions. Yes he was a peculiar man indeed, and despite knowing him for a few years now there were still things he did that surprised her.

Severus returned moments later with freshly brewed tea in the pot, clean cups and saucers, a small jug of milk, and of course shortbread biscuits in the shape of little Scottie dogs.
He set them down on the little table and prepared hers just as she liked it before handing it over.
"Thank you" Minerva smiled, already eyeing up the shortbread. Severus opted to sit next to Minerva, not where he'd been sat previously. Minerva gave no sign of minding his closeness, as a matter of fact she leaned into him and nibbled on her biscuit. Severus once again adjusted his position, balancing the teacup on his lap, as he placed his other hand on the back of the settee, his fingers just in reach of Minerva's hair. Severus watched the woman, with a small smile on his face. She was in her own world, far too busy enjoying her biscuits to notice him now. Her animagus being a cat was quite fitting, he'd come to realise that over the years. In ways she was very cat like, particularly when it was just them. Her purring for one, when she enjoyed something. That was a sound he quickly became partially fond of.

Without a second thought he found his fingers toying with the loose strands of her hair that escaped her bun. They were as soft as silk, and he found himself tugging at the clips that trapped her luxurious hair in place. He stopped once he realised, glancing at the woman hesitantly. Minerva remained quite occupied with the plate of biscuits however, and didn't show any indication that she minded at all. He continued gently, sending each tiny clip to the table where they started their own little mountain. He didn't mind the amount of clips he had to remove, he found it quite calming.
Of course she knew that, and the fact she'd adjusted her hair routine for him was touching in ways he'd never be able to explain.
Once he'd freed her trapped hair, he ran his fingers through it's long lengths. Her hair had natural ringlets, which Minerva often found annoying though he loved them. They weren't the tight kind, often seen on little girls like the muggle actress Shirley temple, no they were large, quite loose curls that cascade down her back and over her shoulders.

"Having fun there?" Minerva's voice snapped him out of his momentary trance, his fingers still entwine in her hair though his attention drifted to her.
"I like your hair like this."
"So I've noticed. Your tea is getting cold by the way, would you like me to reheat it for you?" Minerva didn't really wait for his response as she leaned forward and hovered her hands over his lukewarm liquid. He still marvelled at how comfortable they'd become she even allows him to see her true ability. Something not many people had the opportunity to see. It might seem something simple, and she certainly did make it look that way but wandless magic was no easy task, nor were wordless spells.
"There, now I recommend you actually drink this one." She leaned back into his touch, a genuine smile on her lips as she held the cup towards him. He took it from her much smaller and delicate hands and with a few sips the tea was gone.
"I'd probably have a biscuit whilst there's some left too, it would appear I've eaten the majority of them." She locked back down at the remaining two biscuits, without thinking she'd picked one up and held it out for him, half expecting him to take it with his spare hand, though didn't seem overly surprised when he leaned towards her instead and took a bite from the crumbly biscuit.
"If you continue to eat that slow, I can't promise I won't eat the other half." Her wicked smile reached her sparkling blue eyes.
"Can't even spare me one." He leaned forward again and took the remains, his lips grazing her fingers.
"Well, as you know, shortbreads are a weakness of mine. They very rarely last long." She brought her fingers to her lips, sucking the coat of sugar off of them, and before she had chance to reach for the next one, Severus had beat her to it. The look of absolute betrayal on the woman's face made him chuckle as he bit into the shortbread, what made it even more entertaining was he knew she didn't have anymore left in her kitchen.
"That was cruel Severus Snape, so very cruel." She frowned, sending the plate on its way before shimmying to get out of his grasp.
"There's none left, if that's where you're going." He looked far too smug with himself for Minerva's liking. With a huff and a very ill mannered kick to his foot Minerva sat back down the furthest from him.
"Well I was going to share this with you, however after that performance maybe I won't."
"Git." Minerva mumbled, folding her arms.
Chuckling Severus tapped the spot beside him and held out the shortbread.
"If I move, and you deliberately eat it, I will hex you." Minerva warned, before crawling back over to him. His hand instantly went back to wrapping locks of her thick hair around his fingers as the other one presented her with the shortbread, she mimicked his earlier actions and took a bite, her face instantly lit up with delight. She finished it off, her own soft lips grazing against his thumb. Minerva leaned back into his touch as he brought his fingers back to his own mouth and licked away the sugar.
"The way you keep eating those biscuits, there's a wonder you don't get diabetes." Minerva comments, closing her eyes and leaning into his side.
"Yes, that thought did cross my mind."

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