Chapter 1

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In a cottage far, far away from any form of civilisation, the fire roaring in its cozy little home where it's smoke desperately tried to escape through the chimney. The flames flickered, their shadows dancing across the wall of the well kept yet cozy living room, where a young woman occupied an oversized emerald green leather chair. Her nose buried deep in a book. Her long brown hair cascaded in a lose braid down her shoulders, the golden and auburn flecks that tangled amongst the chocolate strands shimmered in the flickering light. Her mind whirling around in the make believe world of her fiction novel, taking her off to a land where no one feared for their life, no children were harmed and killed, no loved ones torn from their families and tortured into insanity. No the book she read was a far happier book filled with love, laughter and joy, much in contrast with her own experiences of life.

The woman paused a moment, lowering her book to her lap cautiously glancing around her room. She thought she'd heard something, a moment of silence passes she shrugged it off and raised her book once more. However her reading was soon interrupted yet again when she heard the sound once more, only this time it was louder. Her eyes widened slightly as her heart rate increased, that all to familiar whooshing sound was not a good sight, especially when they were at war and she was expecting no visitors. A loud popping noise followed the whooshing sound and the woman instantly reached for her nine and a half inch elegant looking stick that was perched next to the tall candle on a solid oak table beside her chair.
Dumbfounded how anyone knew where she was, only two people knew about this place and she certainly hadn't received word they'd be joining her tonight.

A knock to the door made her breath hitch, this was not supposed to be happening. Her first thought was to flee to her room and make herself disappear, but her curiosity and stubborn Gryffindor nature wouldn't allow that to happen. One could argue she was either a very brave woman or a very foolish one, as she cautiously approached her door, wand at the ready. Before she had time to address the lurking figure outside her door, it flung open revealing a tall cloaked intimidating figure who much to the woman's horror stepped inside and instantly received a surprised gasp from the speechless woman.

"Minerva, I messed up." He spoke in his low raspy voice before shuffling forward and reaching for the wall to steady himself.
After a moment to gather her thoughts the woman quickly jumped to action, putting away her wand she quickly helped guide the dark man to her living room and sat him down before darting back to her front door and locking it. Her heart hadn't slowed any as she she quickly made it back to the man's side wasting no time in removing his cloak.
He coughed, before leaning back into the chair, struggling to breathe.
"What on earth have you done?" The woman asked, as she tugged at the cloak, her eyes instantly widening in sheer horror at the sight before her.
"What was necessary." He just about managed, his eyes barely open.
"You stupid man!" Was the last thing he heard before darkness over came him.


When he eventually came around, he flickered his eyes open, squinting once the light hit him. He could barely make anything out, everything was blurry. He blinked a few times before he could eventually make out the room around him. The ceiling was oak wood with large wooden beams stretching form one end to the next, a golden candlestick chandelier was centre of attention, the flames flickering, casting lively shadows around the room. He very slowly sat up to realise he certainly wasn't in a chair anymore, but a large golden four poster bed, adorned with red and gold frilly bedding. He took a deep breath before kicking the sheets off of himself, hissing as the movement caused him great pain. He glanced down only to notice his shirt he'd worn the previous day had been removed, as well as his trousers. Grumbling the man glanced around hoping to find something to cover his lower half, he never was one to roam around in nothing but boxers, and he certainly wasn't going to do it in someone else's house.
With a grumble the man pushed himself up and out of the bed, steadying himself he made his way to the chair and grabbed the only item of clothing in sight.

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