Nolan I, Carlos I, Elliot I

492 18 42

Y'all will be able to tell what I was looking forward to writing very quickly XD I promise, we're getting closer to everyone finally meeting! There are just a few more individual meetings to arrange first. Hopefully the waiting will make the actual reunion all the sweeter.

Nolan finds something (someone) that belongs to Peter, the Austin and Los Angeles crews visit the 252, and Sylvie and Amelia continue to wrap people around their fingers. A certain detective might not be sure if he likes that or not.


The route from the subway to the courthouse was one Nolan had been familiar with for years, familiar enough that he could balance his coffee in one hand and his phone in the other, briefcase tucked under his arm. He scanned through his messages as he headed for the steps of the courthouse, nimbly avoiding others when he saw them in his peripheral vision. Thankfully, it didn't look like he would have a busy day unless the 2-7 caught a case.

As he tucked his phone away in his pocket, a flash of blonde out of the corner of his eye made him pause. On another day, a woman sitting on the bench and entertaining her young child wouldn't catch his attention. This woman, however, was one he had just seen in a picture not too long ago. Curiosity piqued, Nolan abandoned his trek to the steps and made his way towards the blonde woman sitting with a toddler who looked like her younger clone. "PIC Brett?" he asked tentatively.

The woman looked up in surprise, her azure eyes quickly finding him. "Yes?" she asked in return.

"It's good to finally meet you," Nolan smiled, holding out his hand. "I'm Nolan Price, the Executive ADA here in Manhattan."

"Oh!" Sylvie's eyes lit in understanding as she shook his hand. "One of Peter's bosses, right?"

"I'm right under Jack, so I guess that's one way of putting it," Nolan nodded. "He's been really excited for you to come to New York."

"I've been excited to be back, too," Sylvie told him. "A lot has happened in the past few years, so this was my first chance to make it happen. I'm glad it did."

"And you didn't come alone," Nolan noted with a smile at the girl peering up curiously at him. "Peter mentioned the Dardens, but not this little princess."

"Well, this little princess is also why I'm here this early," Sylvie giggled, taking the girl into her arms and standing from the bench. "This is my sister and adopted daughter, Amelia." Nolan blinked at her, and Sylvie smiled in understanding. "I was adopted as a baby, and my birth mother found me two years ago when she was pregnant again. Julia died on the table."

Nolan winced sympathetically. "I'm so sorry."

"Thank you," Sylvie nodded, reaching up to adjust Amelia's headband. "Anyway, Amelia's father didn't want to keep her, and he asked me to adopt her. So, here we are two years later."

"That's very courageous of you," Nolan smiled, giving Amelia a small wave. "She looks just like you."

"Thank you," Sylvie beamed. "Amelia, can you say hi?"

"Hi!" Amelia waved.

Nolan laughed in delight. "Very nice to meet you, Amelia!"

"She's also very quick to wrap people around her finger," Sylvie grinned at him. "I apologize in advance if that happens."

"Oh, there will be no complaints from me," Nolan quickly assured her. "Though Lily may be upset if she gets usurped."

Sylvie's laughter reminded Nolan of silver bells, a sound he quickly determined was one he wanted to hear more often. "Oh, don't worry about that," she giggled. "Amelia will stay my family's favorite, and you can keep Lily as yours."

When The Walls Come Tumblin' Down (9-1-1s/Chicago Fire/Law & Orders)Where stories live. Discover now