Athena I, Peter I, Sylvie I

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Two of the three fire families meet, and Peter gets asked if he knows anything about the missing third one. Spoiler alert: he does.


Bobby's entire firehouse was like his family after what happened to him in Minnesota, so Athena was used to seeing the members of A shift gather at their house.

She was surprised, however, when Buck herded a confused Chimney and Ravi towards the living room while a grinning Hen and an exasperated Eddie followed him. "Go, go, go!" Buck urged, waving them on with one hand. His other was rapidly dialing on his phone. "Sit down!"

"Well, hello to you, too," Athena raised an eyebrow and gave Bobby a questioning look as the captain brought up the rear.

"Hi, Athena," Buck smiled sheepishly. "Sorry. I found out something on shift, and Eddie, Hen and I don't think Bobby should wait until New York for this."

Athena's other eyebrow joined the first. "And what did we find out, exactly?" she asked.

"Aha!" Buck grinned victoriously and held up his phone. "Hey, TK!"

"Hey, Buck!" came an unfamiliar voice in return. "You're done for the day?"

"Yeah, we got off about an hour ago," Buck nodded. "What about you? You're still in uniform."

"Yeah, but we're offline for the rest of shift while the captains fill out paperwork," TK told him. "And something tells me that won't be a problem."

"I don't think it will," Buck nodded eagerly. "I've got Bobby right here if you can get your dad."

"Yeah, hang on. Dad!"

Buck was all but bouncing off the walls as he beckoned to Bobby. "Come on!"

"Did you seriously call – ?" Bobby began as he joined Buck's side.

Athena curiously peered on the screen just as the camera refocused, and two men who were obviously father and son came into view, both with dark hair and emerald eyes. The younger, with the name TK stitched onto his uniform, had a grin on his face that matched Buck's. The elder, with captain's bugles on his collar, looked like he had seen a ghost. "Bobby?" he asked in disbelief.

"Owen," Bobby breathed, a startled laugh coming from his mouth. "Oh, my God . . . I had no idea my team worked with yours in San Angelo!"

"I had no idea I had your team on my section of the lines!" Owen grinned. "Hell, I had no idea you moved to Los Angeles!"

"Says the man who left New York for Texas!"

Owen snorted. "That's what TK's uncle said."

"And he's the one who lived in Italy for years," TK snickered.

"Italy?" Buck repeated. "Really?"

"NYPD's liaison in Rome," Owen nodded. "Elliot relocated his family back to New York last spring. Our families grew really close after the Towers fell."

"I'm glad you have him," Bobby smiled. Voices rose outside in the living area, and he cleared his throat. "I actually have the rest of my team here with me, if you're interested in seeing them again . . . or meeting them, in Chimney and Ravi's cases."

"I'd be glad to," Owen nodded. "TK, grab everyone, will you?"

"On it!" TK chirped and handed over his phone.

"I'm guessing there's a long story about why you're in Los Angeles now?" Owen wryly smiled.

"That's an understatement," Bobby sighed. "Just like you moving to Austin, I bet." Owen nodded in confirmation. "We can get to that later. Maybe after we find out if Wallace will be in New York this year, too?"

When The Walls Come Tumblin' Down (9-1-1s/Chicago Fire/Law & Orders)Where stories live. Discover now