Chapter 3

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[Author's POV]

Starting right where we left off. Same rules, the italics are straight from the book, rest has been added by me. Enjoy

An hour later, they headed for Flourish and Blotts. They were by no means the only ones making their way to the bookshop. As they approached it they saw (not) to their surprise a large crowd jostling outside the doors, trying to get in. The reason for this was proclaimed by a large banner stretched across the upper windows:

will be signing copies of his autobiography
today 12.30-4.30 pm

Ron rolled his eyes, while Hermione seemed..eager?

"Come on 'Mione! You know what that git did. Don't tell me you still fancy him!" Ron said sounding exasperated.

"N-no, of course not. He is c-cruel and a self-obsessed jerk," Hermione stuttered. Harry and Ginny gave each other knowing smiles before walking in.

*** Skip to when they reach the Burrow again. The rest of the scene went on as it did in the book/movie if you're a watcher***

As soon as they reached they separated into their different rooms. (Hermione was supposed to stay with Ginny, of course at night she and Harry would swap places till dawn). Now Ron was finally able to give Hermione a good kiss hello, in his room, while Ginny and Harry sat down on Ginny's bed in peaceful silence. Until it was broken by Ginny.

"So, how do you think Dumbledore will react to everything that we tell him?" Ginny asked Harry who was busy playing with her hair. Harry was sitting on Ginny's bed with Ginny lying down with her head on Harry's lap.

"I haven't thought about it much," Harry lied.

"Don't lie to me Harry, I know that's the only thing on your mind right now"

Harry sighed. "Gin what if he asks us to just go exactly as it did last time? I can't leave Sirius to rot in Azkaban for another year. I can't watch all those people die for me again. And I can't stay without you for another 4 years either. And if there is any chance for me to save either Remus or Tonks, I would, for Teddy. But what if he asks us to prevent the deaths, as many as possible? I cannot live with that. What if, we try to save someone but lose someone else in return? I can't lose you Gin. I love you. I can't live without you. What if I lose you, trying to save others? I wouldn't just lose you, I would lose little Jamie and Al too. And what if he finds a way to send us back? I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I had the chance to save them. Especially Remus and Tonks for Teddy. But I didn't. I can't live with that." When he finished, Harry was crying, in front of the only person allowed to ever see him this vulnerable. Even Ginny had tears in her eyes.

"Love, don't beat yourself up about it. It wasn't your fault. Their deaths weren't your fault. I know none of them blame you. It's high time you stop blaming yourself. I don't want you to keep the burden of the world on your shoulders. Whatever happens, we will go through it together."

Harry took a deep breath. "Together".

Ginny sat up as she kissed him passionately and he kissed back, before pulling away and keeping his head on her shoulder as she hugged him. He felt relieved after talking to Ginny. She was his world. It was true. He definitely wouldn't be able to live without her.

Just then the door opened and they jumped apart.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't know I was interrupting. I just need something. I can come back later if you want?" Hermione said in one breath.

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