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[Author's POV]

"Ron! Are you ready yet? We have to get to the party soon! Rose and I are almost ready," called Hermione Granger Weasley to her husband.

"Yes love, just fixing my hair" was all she got as the response.

Hermione just sighed before getting Rose into her cute pink dress that she was going to wear to her cousin, James Sirius Potter's fourth birthday party.

Once the three were ready, they flooed to Potter Cottage. Ginny Potter looked pleased to see them as she gave Hermione the responsibility of getting Al ready while she herself helped James change. Harry was just finishing with all the decorations on the lawn when his best friend came and helped him put up the tent-like enclosure, similar to that at Bill and Fleur's wedding ceremony.

They all were waiting in front of the fireplace for all the Weasleys, Scamanders, and Longbottoms along with Hagrid and Headmistress McGonagall (Harry had gotten closer to her). Soon enough the flames turned green and out came George holding a rather excited red-headed duplicate of his by the name of Fred II.

Once everyone was here (Excluding Charlie since he couldn't get time off work in Romania) the celebrations began. All the children were sitting in one corner of the room playing. The ladies sat together talking about their children's newest achievements.

"Albus has started walking," Ginny said

"Rosie too," Hermione added, "Ron has been driving us both crazy trying to make her walk"

"Dominique 'as learned to write 'er name in English and French," Fleur told them excitedly. "See, Victoire still does not speak French," she explained to Hannah who had found this quite normal. (Fleur's English has of course improved a lot since the last time we saw her, though it is still not perfect and never will be)

"Fred wanted to know all about Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, and though George tried to be mad, I could tell he was proud that Fred is following in his namesake's footsteps"

"Lucy has gotten glasses and Percy still hasn't recovered from his state of shock."

And Molly just listens to her daughter and daughter-in-laws ramble about her amazing grandchildren. She couldn't be prouder o-

Suddenly a Patronus appeared, a lynx. Déjà vu. It spoke in Kingsley Shacklebolt's deep voice, "Everyone, get to safety. We just got information that former death eaters, who are on the run, are coming to Potter Cottage," and disappeared just as quickly as it had come.

Everyone started panicking and running about to get their children to safety.

Harry magnified his voice and said, "Everyone, please get to your own houses in safety, We shall deal with the death eaters." All the men instructed their wives to take their children and disapparate to the burrow. All the ladies left after protesting a bit except for Ginny and Hermione.

"Ginny, please go to the burrow, to everyone else," Harry called to her in a pleading voice.

"What, and let you have all the fun? No thanks," Ginny replied.

"Gin, please"

"Stop it Potter, or I'll bat-bogey-hex you right here and right now" She threatened.

This shut Harry up.

Ron and Hermione were also arguing over the same thing.

"'Mione please go," Ron begged her

"Oh, so now you notice me being a girl, huh? What about all those times when we were younger?"

"Please go love." He tried to flatter her by calling her 'love' in front of everyone.

"Oh no, you're not telling me what to do. If you try one more time, I'll bat-bogey-hex you" Hermione threatened. (She had learned the hex from her sister-in-law and found it quite useful to use against Ron)

Ron turned scarlet and shut up at this.

Soon death eaters attacked. Luckily they all had been informed previously and we're ready. While dueling the Golden trio and Ginny were standing side by side.

Suddenly a spell was shot towards them, and all 4 fell. The last thing they remembered was the faces of concern of Neville and George's before everything went black.


(A/N) Like I said last chapter, all the other chapters will definitely be longer than these short chapters. Thank you so much for reading!

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