♠️Here We Go Again♠️

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We find a little empty house, seems to be fine to rest in for now. I still had some snacks on me, I tossed him a granola bar and tore one open myself. We sat in silence eating the bars, looking around at everything.

"We still have a while to go" He says, taking the last bite of his granola bar. "I figured so" I say. I heard footsteps, my eyes widened at Romare. Clomp, clomp, clomp. I looked at him, everything went quiet. Then something grabbed me by my hair dragging me across the floor.

"ROMARE!!!!" I screamed. I kicked and screamed. Then my head dropped, I heard a gurgling noise. I looked up to see Romare sticking a knife in the creature's throat. The body dropped, blood pooling on the floor. He grabs me, pulling me up. "Are you okay Raelyn!?" He asks looking at me to see if I have any wounds.

I nod "I'm okay" I say brushing myself off. I shake my head, I grab my bourbon from my bag. "Want some?" I ask. "Sure" He responds. We both drank it, luckily i had a back up bottle. I couldn't run out. We were really drunk, I didn't have too much left in that bottle, I'm not cracking open my new one.

We sat there in silence, and I started nodding off. He pulls me to him, we lay down. My head on his chest, his arms wrapped around me as we slowly drift to sleep


I wake up, still in his arms. I sit up and rub my head which hurts badly. He sits up and rubs his head too. "Fuck my head hurts, not used to drinking that shit" He says with a chuckle. I open my bag and hand him Motrin and take some myself.

"You seem prepared for any occasion" He says taking the pills and swallowing. "Pretty much yeah" I say with a small smile. I feel pretty fuzzy and weak, not used to this kind of living. I take a deep breath, an exhale.

He puts his finger on my chin turning my head to him. "So gorgeous' ' he says smiling. I look away, blushing. "Look at me Raelyn '' He says in a deep, stern voice. I look at him, he kisses the corner of my mouth.

Then rubs his thumb across my cheek. "We should get going" He says. I sigh, I think he's just playing with me. Which hurts, I never really had a true boyfriend, some flings yes.

I get up and grab my bag, all ready for the next adventure. We walk out of the house and the pungent smell of rotten flesh hits the air. There were dead zombie bodies laid everywhere. "Where in the hell did these come from?" I ask, pinching my nose.

"I don't know, but we should get going. Its definitely not a good sign.'' Romare says, stepping around a rotted body. I heard an odd growl, Romare and I began to run knowing that's not good. After a few minutes we slow down to catch our breath. Something is always stalking us around the corner.

I see red glowing behind a tree. "Uh, Romare" I say , grabbing his forearm and he sees the eyes too. It jumps at us and yells "YOU'RE RUNNING OUT OF TIME" It says with a malicious smile on its face, its cackles and runs off. My heart pounds in my chest, the world folding in around me. I can't breath-

"Romare, i can't breath" I say gasping for air. I start hyperventilating, the world around me closing in tighter. I collapse to the ground rocking back and forth. He holds me and rubs my back in circles.

"Shhh Rae, you can breathe, it's easy. Take a deep breath in and let it out" He says in a soothing voice. I do as he says and begin to calm feeling normal again.

"Thank you" I say leaning my head against his chest. I collect myself and the two of us continue our journey. Everything is quiet again, which wasn't a good sign. I stay close to Romare, the woods dimly lit. I look to each side of the forest, everything is dark.

The light only shine through the trees on the path slightly. All of sudden, I'm flung into the air and I'm in a net. "Romare!?" I yell for him and look over, he's in a net too. We set off multiple. "Its fine, probably a zombie trap. People around here try to kill off as many as they can. We can't find the source," He says shrugging.

"I got my knife, I'll cut us down." He says, but we heard crunching footsteps approaching us. An evil laugh echoed throughout the woods. "Well, well, well look what we got here!" The man's voice said maliciously. Here we fucking go.

A/N: sorry there wasn't a high word count, but it's worth it trust me

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