chapter 19

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**Chapter 19: "Unspoken Bonds"**

The week had passed in an unspoken dance between studies and the lingering echoes of the wedding that changed my life. As I juggled textbooks and thoughts, a realization dawned—it had been seven days since Sidharth and I exchanged more than a passing glance.

In the cozy corner of the hostel room, Sita, my animated roommate, stormed in with a mix of accusation and playfulness. "Sana, you told Amita about the wedding, and not me! It's been a week, yaar!" Her eyes sparkled with a touch of mischief.

Amita, my conspirator in this tale, tried to lighten the mood. "Arre, Sita, it's not that big a deal. We can all hang out together. Let's plan something fun." Yet, Sita's pouty expression didn't budge.

Taking a deep breath, I attempted to navigate through the tricky waters. "Sita, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to feel left out. Everything just happened so quickly, and I didn't get a chance to tell everyone." My eyes pleaded for understanding.

Sita softened a bit, "But Amita knew? You could have told her to tell me. Woh bhi humare roommate hone ke bawajood!"

Amita, ever the peacemaker, suggested, "Sita, let's not dwell on this. We're friends, and we can find a way to make it up to you. How about we shift the focus to something more interesting? Medical topic, perhaps?"

Sita agreed, "Fine, but not just any topic. Let's dive into Infectious Diseases. It's such a crucial field, and understanding it is vital for any medical practitioner. Let's explore how microorganisms play a role in causing illnesses."

The atmosphere in the room shifted as we delved into the intriguing world of medicine. The unspoken bonds of friendship and shared academic pursuits offered solace amid the whirlwind of emotions.

Our discussions on Infectious Diseases flowed seamlessly. Amita shared insights into preventive measures, Sita brought up recent outbreaks, and I contributed some details about common pathogens. The subject fascinated us, serving as a welcome distraction from the personal matters that had preoccupied our thoughts.

Later in the day, after a series of classes, I took a moment to unwind with a cup of coffee and called Rita Maa. Her calming voice on the other end of the line provided a sanctuary from the chaos of the day. We talked about life, my ambitions, and the challenges ahead.

As the day drew to a close, a subtle hope emerged. Perhaps the lines of communication would open not only with friends but also with Sidharth. The delicate balance between personal and academic realms of life became a tightrope walk, with the anticipation of smoother days ahead.

Sorry couldn't update the last 2 days ..
Toda busy thi with work..

Pakka will give multiple updates tomorrow

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