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(Georgie's P.O.V.)
I feel hazy and groggy as I begin to wake up in stages. My senses had not returned completely. My eyes still needed adjusting to my surroundings. When it does return, I groan at the harsh yellowish light. My mind begins to race with questions. Where am I? What happened? I start to become aware of my body and that I can feel things now. I was in pain and felt sick to my stomach. The sickness began to grow into nausea so much that I had to threw up. My body automatically reacted by rolling over onto my side and puke onto the ground. I let myself hang on the edge of the couch, I was laying on, for a couple of seconds. Letting my body process what it just did as a responce to the pain. Eventually, after feeling a bit better, I pushed myself upright with a grimace caused by the pain. The blanket that covered me slid down slightly and I now noticed I had no shirt on or anything that covered my the top part of my body. Looking down I saw that a bandage was wrapped around my chest area and slightly across my stomach. Bruises littered over my body aswell. I felt to exposed like this and my eyes immediatly searched for my clothing. I spot my dress-shirt, my coat and my shoulder holster with my gun by a nearby chair. My shirt had been neatly folded and my coat was hung on the back of the chair. With alot of effort and in a lot of pain. I pushed myself off the couch. Dizzy and unbalanced, I stumble to the chair. Nearly falling down when I got beside it. But luckily catching myself on the back of the chair before I face planted on the floor. My hand reaches for my side to ease the sharp pain that suddenly rose and I breath unevenly. It was so uneven that it made me cough and gasp so I could get air into my lungs. "Fucking hell" I groan in pain, bearily audible for my own ears. I lean forward and grabbed my shirt. With every slight move of my arms pain shot all the way through my body. But I forced myself to push through the pain. You've endured worse, I reminded myself multiple times as my body continued to ache. I succesfully got my dress shirt on, not bothering to buttoning it closed and just swung my gun belt over my shoulder. Of course hissing in pain at the harsh movements I made. I grabbed my gun and looked over it. Being suprised when I still found a couple of rounds in its chamber. I held the gun in my hand as I looked around the room. Something in me told me that this room was familiar, but at this moment I couldn't place it yet. Suddenly a sound came from behind me. It alerted me to much and out of instict, I aim and shoot a warning shot. One that told the person to stay away from me. "Fuckin' hell" Alfie cursed and flinches away from where the bullet impacted in the doorframe, "I missed, didn't I?" I snarl at him loudly, lowering my gun but keeping my finger on the trigger. Still being on high alert with the Jewish Gangster, "Don't come in like a bull through the fence if you don't want to get shot, you fucking idiot" I said out of breath. "It's my office, I can come in here however I want" Alfie told me as he walked to his desk. I stayed standing, my hand gripped around my gun, still not comfortable. Alfie scratched his beard as he watched me. His eyes traveled to my exposed upper body area that was covered by the banadage, clearly expecting it. Alfie leaned back slightly and pulled two thing from his desk draw, stuff to treat wounds and what seemed to be a file. He left the paper file on his desk as he stood up, making his way to me with the medical items. Immediatly I took a step back. I had no desire for his help. "Your bandage needs changing" he explained nodding to the bandage. I looked down and saw that it was now seeping with blood. The white colour had now turned into the red colour of blood. Some spots darker than other places. "I can take care of that myself" I snap at him, "I don't need a concerning nurse fussing over me". "Your wound needs cleaning, I need to-", Alfie began and reached for my side. I immediatly smack his hand away "don't you dare touch me" I growl at him and glare at him. I may be wounded but can still be dangerous if needed. Realising I wasn't going to let him help me, Alfie just tossed the supplies on the couch behind me, before returning to his desk. I eyed him wearily as I took a seat so I could treat my wound. Alfie seemed to ignore me for now, grabbing the paper and reading over its contants. I turned my attention away from Alfie, so I could clean my wound. I hissed in pain as the bandage tore from my skin. A result of the blood sticking to the bandage and my skin. When I had unwrapped the bandage from my body, I noticed I had stitches. Allthough some of the stiches had snapped, that was probably the reason why the bandage was so bloody. As I continhed to stitch and care for myself, I asked Alfie some questions. "Who stitched me up?". The stiches around my abdomen looked to proffesional to be done by Alfie's hand. "A doctor" Alfie simply stated. I shook my head with a sigh "of course a fucking doctor" I told him and groaned in pain as I moved, "but who is this doctor of yours". Alfie looked over the edge of the paper but didn't answer my question. "Do you know what he also told me about your further injuries which was a result of your little predicament with Sabini" Alfie began, and read of the list of injuries I had endured because of the beating. Bruising, fractured and broken ribs, internal injuries.

"A wonder you're still alive"

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"A wonder you're still alive". "Yes, a wonder it is indeed. Only because you decided to play the Jewish knight in shining kosher armor" I sarcastically said and turned to face him "how dreadfully noble of you". His laugh filled the air around us, "Doc, forgot to add behavioural changes to that list of injuries". I turn shifting on my seat, immediatly feeling the pain rise again. "You wouldn't have been injured if you's just listened to my advice to stay away" Alfie said clasping his hands together, "I wouldn't have been injuried if you hadn't betrayed me either" I snap at him, "I warned you because you where my first priority, Georgie!" He suddenly yelled out, almost slamming his hands on his desk. I didn't react to his statement, not caring about it either. Because he didn't recieve a reaction from me he sat back down in his chair and rubbed his temple. Then Alfie mumbled something that clearly I wasn't actually meant to hear "Tommy and his bloody plans". My head instantly snapped towards him and harshly demanded "what plans?"

Published: 8th of February 2024

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