No proper cause

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(Georgie's P.O.V.)
"Please state your name" the young police officer told me. “You already know my name" I replied, “I'm aware of that, ma’am, but this has to go on the record". I raised my eyebrow at him "then write it down" I told him and nodded to the paper that he was holding. He didn't move to write my name down. "I thought you officers had a good education to know how to spell a name" I sais him with a chuckle. "I can spell, ma'am" he said and I could detect that his nerves were getting to him. After all, the young officer was the only one who was in the room with me, but I was 100% sure that behind the blacked out glass where the other officers. And most likely Inspector Campbell aswell. “you sure? I have got a pretty long name" I told him. He nodded at me “I’m aware of that, ma’am.”. “Then why do you need me to state my name?"
“Official reasons.” he replied back, still getting more nervous with the second. “How official?” I continued, “Very official.”. “Too official to just write it down?” I questioned. “Yes ma’am.”. I shook my head and leaned forward to the young officer, he gulped slightly. Although I was still in handcuffs, he still took a step back at my movements. "No, I don't think its that official for the record. I think its just because you can't spell" I was now targetting him and him alone. Not the whole police corpe in general. He had a long pause before looking back down to his file. Then suddenly the door to the room opened and in walked Campbell with a pissed of expression on his face. "State your name, Shelby" he angrily growled. There was the reaction I looked for. I sat back and looked at him with a challenge. "Good morning to you too, Inspector" I greeted him, "don't even bother with the pleasantries, Shelby. Just state your name" he snarled at me. "Georgina Zaliah Shelby. That's 'Georgina', not 'Georgianna'. And Zaliah with a 'H'. Shelby- can you spell Shelby, Inspector?" I questioned him trying to annoy him further. I watched him clench his fist before answering me "yes, I can". “Good boy" I mocked him, "Some folks can’t, you know. I do pity them, just not as bright as others. You know, I once met someone who spelled ‘pie’ wrong, wrote it like ‘pi’ with an ‘i’-". "Tell us about the robbery" Campbell snapped cutting me off. "Which one?" I questioned him and quircked an eyebrow at him, "the gun robbery" he said through gritted teeth. "Oh, you mean that one. I thought you meant the robbery of a very valuable violin from 221B Baker Street" I commented, listing the robbery that I heard about from Alfie. "we are in Small Heath. That happened in London". "Doesn't mean you aren't on that case" I told him whil shrugging my shoulder. "Tell me about the gun robbery that specifically took place in Small Heath" he said giving a more specific detail. I just gave him a look "what makes you think I know anything about that robbery?". "You're the topdog of the Shelby family. Whatever goes on in Small Heath, you will certainly know. Or you where the one that gave the order or did it yourself" he explained. I chuckled at him "beside the fact that you obviously know the guns have been stolen, you do not have any other proof. That's why I am here, right?", "correct. Now tell us about the robbery" he tried to get me to talk, "now why would I do that?" I questioned him, "enough of your games, Shelby. You will talk. Either you will do it freely or we will force it out of you" he snarled at me stepping closer to me. I smirked at him, which obvisiouly made the bucket overflow. He roughly grabbed a hold of me and pulled me with him. I felt a little shiver run over my spine as I saw where he took me. Inside the room there where three ropes hanging from the ceiling. He pushed me forward to the one in the middle. Before pulling the rope around my neck. "Maybe being hanged will convince you to talk" he snarled at me. I could feel the rope leave starting to leave a burn mark. There was also a tightness against my throat, making it slightly harder for me to breath. Even swallowing hurt and made it even harder to breath. I hissed before turning to him. "I can tell you one thing, Campbell" I told him with a snarl. And he took a deep breath, finally thinking he would get the proof he needed. "Without probable cause you cannot arrest someone" I told him with a strained voice, "you and your officers unlawfully arrested me. After all, you do not poses the proof that I have anything to do with that robbery". I watched his face fall, as he realized he indeed does not have any proof to keep me here for what they arrested me for. I took a deep breath before continueing. "So, untill you have probable cause that I commited said crime, you cannot keep me here, Inspector" I smirked at him while weezing. He stayed quiet and just glared at me. "Now if you would be so kind" I said with a raspy voice and gestured to the rope around my neck. He reluctantly stepped forward but pulled the rope off and then uncuffed me none the less. The handcuffs loudly dropped to the floor and I immediatly rubbed my neck. I wheezed for a bit before I walked out of the room to the front office. There I recieved my long coat. I put it on and took a quick breath in, clearly the small hanging had left some damage to my throat as I tasted the blood on my tongue. I grabbed my peaked cap from the counter before turning around to walk out the station with a confident stride untill I came onto the street. I put my peaked cap on and with angry strides I made my way home. Occasionally, I needed to spit to get eid of the horrible taste of blood. There weren't alot of people on the street. But those who where quickly stepped out of my way. I had no doubt that the news about my arrest traveled fast in Small Heath. And they did not want any part of getting in my way and making me even more pissed. Although I would never get angry at someone for just walking in front of me. Apart from my siblings, of course. Gave them enough kicks in the butt to tell them to get out of my way, that they now never walked in front of me again.

(Tommy's P.O.V.)
I was in the bettingshop with the rest of the family having a meeting. Polly had blamed me for the reason that Freddy and Georgie had been arrested. Although it wasn't me, I could understand why she would think I had done Freddy over. But I would never do that to my own sister. Then all of a sudden we heard a door open up from the front of the house. "Georgina" Polly said as she saw my sister walk inside and immediatly walked over to hug her. Georgie let her hug her but didn't hug back, she just had her arms to her side. She never really was affectionate. Poll pulled back from the hug and looked her over. I noticed she reached for Georgie's neck to which Georgie instantly flinched away from Polly's touch. George whispered something to hear, before moving past Polly to talk to us. "I want those guns gone, right fucking now" she snapped. "George, we will loose our bargaining power" I began but she cut me off "bargaining power?!". She slowly made her way towards me. When she came closer, I noticed the red mark that travelled over her neck. "I almost got hanged because of those guns!" She yelled at me, before turning to speak out to everyone "they do not yet have proper proof that we have those guns. They arrested me based of assumptions, not proper cause. So, I want you to digg those guns up and get rid of them before they get their proof and actually hang us all!". She yelled before turning around to walk away but I was able to stop her. I had peaked her interest. "You two, stay. The rest of you get out" she said pointing to me and Polly. After our siblings, Johnny Dogs, Curly, Charlie and other people left the room. Georgie turned to me "start talking before I change my fucking mind".

Published: 27th of April 2023

Update request.

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