7. God or Coward?

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I turned to my name to see Sora staring at me, his eyes burning into my soul. I forget he's a perceptive one. He is going to make this insufferable. "Yes?"

"Will you be practising with us today?" He asked, and I glanced at Phoenix, whose eyes had lit up with curiosity. I'm guessing this was entirely on me. Not that I expected much else from the damn bird, anyway. I didn't feel up to it just yet. I'm still getting used to... this. Whatever this may be.

"No. Not today. I don't feel up to it. Sorry." I mumbled out an excuse, and there was a dejected look on his face. I'm guessing this is a regular occurrence then. I'm not surprised. I don't know what I'd do without Phoenix, and if my deal with her had broken then I'd be surprised if I ever took part in the sport again. I would feel inferior to everyone around me, and that would scare me to no end. I would be a failure in their eyes as well as my own, and I don't need that right now. I have enough fear and unsurety as it is.

"Those are the words of a coward." Phoenix retorted, sitting down as her eyes scoured the room. She always has something to say, doesn't she? "My partner is no coward."

I narrowed my eyes at her, conflicted because as much as she was half-right, I didn't like who she was trying to shape me into. My cowardice is all I have left. She can't take that away as well. "Last time I checked, I didn't have a partner."

There was silence, and I decided to survey their faces. Disappointment; impartialness and... pain? Strange. I never thought she'd be one to care about the opinion of a plaything. But, I was right. I always am. I felt Sora's hand tighten around mine. "Koko, I thought you said you wouldn't start if she ever showed up."

"I know, I'm sorry. It won't happen again, I promise." I uttered, making a mental note to keep the drama to a minimum. I am a man of my word, after all. And Phoenix wasn't worth the effort. She never was. If anything, her presence alone made the situation worse. I heard Sora sigh and glanced at him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just tired, that's all." He replied, leaning on me, and I tensed up. We both did and shared a glance with one another. Similar trauma. That's just great. Well, at least I know I'm not alone. I don't know why he would push himself like this. The closeness wasn't worth it. It never was. It just hurt more in the end.

"SORA!" Masaaki yelled, walking into the room again. I never thought I'd be grateful to hear his voice again. "Are you ready to start traini- oh. When did you-? You know what, it doesn't matter. Let's get started."

His eyes wandered over to Phoenix, his eyes full of curiosity as Sora stood up, both of us seeming to relax. He was a lot braver than I ever will be. But one thing I had noticed, which was curious to say the least, was Phoenix's reaction. She looked ready to protect me. I'm flattered that I'm worth that much to her. I didn't think that I was that important. "What do you wish to say, boy?"

I glanced at Masaaki, who was still watching her. It must be a shock. She was supposed to be this beautiful, almighty being and yet here she is, looking like nothing. Far from what anyone expects. Far from what was deserved. We were monsters. We still are. She's just learned to be even worse; even more brutal. I guess she had to. She didn't want it to happen ever again and I couldn't blame her for that. "Is... that what we did to you? Is that why you hate us?"

"In a sense, yes. This is what your kind does when they want something they can't have. But they eventually learn the consequences of their actions." Her eyes were glossy, and I felt a pang of guilt as I watched the scene unfold in front of me. It was all our fault. She looked like she wanted to continue, but that look in his eyes made her stop. Strangely enough, it wasn't fear. There was a child-like wonder there, which I think is worse. But when you tread through the darkness like he has, trying to fight for people who can't or no longer wish to fight for themselves, such stories must bring an element of hope. Not for his own kind, but for those able to fight on their own and succeed. Phoenix may be a Goddess, but that must have been difficult even for her. It must have killed her. Not that she'll get the sympathy of many others. She went on a rampage and destroyed everything. That image is still fresh in their minds. They'd think she deserved it.

"That must have been hard. You're amazing!" And there was that winning smile of his. What a time to be alive, indeed. This might actually be worth this sense of dread. This overwhelming fear for my life. It gives you a rush of adrenaline, at the very least. Or maybe I've just gotten a little too used to it all. That's always an option. I glanced at Phoenix, who had surprise written all over her face. She expected him to be horrified, just like everyone else. But this is Masaaki we're talking about. He was always one to be full of surprises. It's a talent at this stage.

My gaze turned to Sora, who was standing awkwardly by the sink. I almost felt bad for the guy. He seemed like the kind of guy to let Masaaki do all the talking and nod along; alone and afraid. It must be lonely, even with Masaaki to keep him company. I soon felt everyone's eyes on me and glanced around the room, a question lingering in the air. It looks like we might get a trip down memory lane today. Fantastic.

"So why did you choose him to be your plaything - your vessel?" Masaaki asked, and I felt his eyes burn into my skull. That was a good question coming from someone as dull as he is. I'm surprised he had the brain power to even come up with it.

"Because he was just like me."

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