Did You Know?

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"Hey... Nini, want to know something I learned today?" I ask softly.

Nightmare lets out a low grumbling noise as he stays still for a moment before looking at me with tired sockets. "What?"

"Did you know you can't feel your tongue when you smile?" I point to my mouth, smiling. He blinks as he looks at me with suspicious eye lights. 


"Yeah, why don't you give it a try?" I nudge.

Nini stares at me for a moment, looks at the ground, shrugs slightly and finally smiles.

"Aw, there's that loveable smile I've missed!" I coo as I softly cup his cheeks.

"I- what?" He blinks, then he finally catches on to the trick as he smacks my hands off his face.

"You tricked me!"

I grin, snickering to myself as I playfully boop his nose, quickly pulling back as he attempts to slap my hand again. "Yeah, it was a lie. But I finally got you to smile! I haven't seen you do one in ages. Honestly, it was so bad that I kind of thought you forgot how to or something."

Nini crosses his arms as he grumbles to himself. "I didn't forget."

I roll my eye lights. "Well, I know that. But still- it was worrying, you haven't been smiling at all lately. Not even when I tell you your favorite stories, and you always smile when its story time. This was kind of a last ditch effort." I wince.

He blinks, looking up at me with a hesitant, "Really?"

I nod. "Yeah, its kind of why the trick wasn't that well thought out. I mean- I could always try to tickle you- but I learned from last time that it just makes you grumpier longer, so I didn't even bother this time." I shrug.

"I... honestly didn't notice. I'm sorry for worrying you." He says softly.

"Hey, its okay to feel bad at times. But if its affecting your mood for more then two days then you should really talk to me about it. I know I can be silly and kind of unreliable most of the time, but I can always listen to your thoughts and feelings. I'm your twin, your family- I'll always look out for you." I grin.

His face softens as he gives me a small smile. "Yeah, I know. And I'll always look after you too."


Scene inspired by the prank: "Fun Fact! Did you know you can't feel your tongue while smiling?" mainly from this specific scene at 8:37 on the complication I'll attach the link to here:

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