1. The first day, pt.2

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• I tried to get away from the 'ukraine kawaii uwu boi', but he'll still be an anxious boi :')


3rd person's pov

"I.. I'll be back in a minute." Ukraine said in a low voice.

Then he ran out the door.

Asean just stood there in shock, while China was laughing out loud. "That was ridiculous."

"You don't have to be a jerk all the time, y'know?" Said America, a little mad at his friend.

"Oh come on, it was funny." China grinned at him.

Asean meeted Canada's eye....and then casually dropped a hall pass on his desk.

"Seems like someone should go check on him, just in case..." he said.

Canada nodded in reponse, then stood up and started walking out the door.

Out in the hall, he spotted Ukraine heading into the... girls' bathroom.

"This is not how I pictured my first day at this school..." He looked down and sighed, "but I can't leave him alone."

He entered the bathroom to find Ukraine crying by the sink.

He rushed to his side, "Ukraine! Are you okay?" He asked with a worried tone.

Ukraine looked up in surprise and took a few steps back, "Canada? What are you doing here..."

"Uh, checking in on my friend?" Said Canada.

"It's okay...you should go. I'll be fine." The shorter male said, wiping his tears and looking away.

"I'm not going anywhere."

Ukraine looked at him in surprise, "thanks..but you still shouldn't have followed me." He frowned, "You've still got a chance to be someone at this school....to actually have a life." He smiled sadly at Canada.

"I don't get it. There's nothing wrong with you, as far as I can see." Canada said stepping a little forward.

"Don't you get it? It's always been this way... I'm on the outside looking in." He started, "I spent last year all alone, not even my own siblings cared. But we do fight alot, so it didn't surprise me much."

"Heh. I've never even been to a party before." He added after a moment of silence, "I've always told myself that it's by choice...that I wouldn't even want to go to one..but when China said that...I knew I've been lying to myself, he was right about everything." A tear streaked down his face.

"Trust me... China just sucks in general, he just said those things to hurt you." Canada said, earning a chuckle from Ukraine.

"It's really nice to hear someone say it out loud." , he groaned "Most people are too afraid to stand up to him."

He let out a deep sigh, "Sorry, I'm just tired...tired of feeling like a loser."

"If you think you're a loser, then let's change something." Canada replied with a small smile.

"What's going to change?" Ukraine looked up at him, "People like me are supposed to suffer here, I'm nervous and awkward.."


"So guys like China will always be here to remind guys like me that we don't belong." He looked down, "It's just the way it's always have been."

"Well not anymore."

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