Chapter 5

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After the ominous greeting by a wolf, Percy was knocked out once again. Instead of the usual desert landscape that dreamt about there was something else. He was surrounded by a big mansion, pillars were made of sea stone, the path to the tree thrones was lined with glowing pearls and the doorway behind him was just huge. "Perseus."

"Mr. Ayers?" Percy questioned as he looked over at the man with the slicked back hair, instead of the normal suit that he wore, he wore an armor, studded with pearls, just like the one that was left behind for him, by Ed. Percy then remembered his mother calling him Triton, and he had recognized the name. Triton was the prince of the sea. He bowed quickly, and clumsily, never having bowed before. "Triton." He breathed out.

"Perseus, don't do that." Triton said as he stood in front of the three thrones, "You're my brother." He said and waved his hand. Two chairs appeared and a table with snacks that Percy had never seen before.

Triton was being friendly towards him, even though Percy just learned that they're half-siblings. Triton should be angry with him, for being an illegitimate child. "Your mother is fine, she is recovering well in the hospital." Percy let out a breath that he didn't know that he was holding back.

"Do we share the same father?" Percy asked as he watched Triton put some pastries on a plate. His brother let out a laugh after putting the plate with pastries in front of Percy.

"Yes, we do." Triton said.

"Neptune?" Percy asked and he saw the slightly surprised face of Triton. The man's face morphed a bit, changing. Triton's stubble disappeared and his cheekbones looked like they were cut with stone.

"Yes," Triton said as he held his plate a bit tighter, "You're the son of Neptune."

"And Sally Jackson." Percy added, Triton let out a soft chuckle. It was hard to phantom that his father is an actual god, for a brief moment he even thought he was another Jesus. "Where are we?" Percy asked as he looked around.

"Atlantis." Triton answered.

Percy felt his breath hitch, "Atlantis?" He asked and looked around. "Do you empty your place of water?"

His brother had an amused smile on his face, "No, we don't." Triton grabbed a pastry and threw it, the velocity of the thrown pastry didn't match the usual speed, neither did it go down directly onto the ground. "You're a child of the sea, Perseus. You can breathe underwater."

At the soothing words of his brother he let out a breath. It was silent for a moment as his brother watched him with an amused expression. "Did you like my gift?" His brother asked as he looked at Percy's necklace. "I had it made here, in the underwater forges."

Percy gaped at his brother, "Underwater forges?" He repeated. "How do you make weapons underwater?"

Triton had a smile on his face and Percy could see the subtle fangs of his corner teeth. "With very hot fire, brother."

There was that word again, brother. "Shouldn't you be angry with me?" Percy asked quietly, "I'm a bastard child." He had heard the word bastard from his English literature class. Triton flared anger for a brief moment and Percy let out a shaky breath.

"That fault lies with our father." Triton said and looked over at him. "But you're my brother, a child outside of wedlock or not." Percy took a bite out of his pastry, his heartbeat calming down. He raised his eyebrows at the taste and continued to eat it. "Besides, you're just a boy, you go outside with your friends, you don't enjoy school and you like to fight with swords."

"I was out in the forest and now I'm dreaming and actually talking to you." Percy said, slowly because he didn't understand it either. "There was a voice, that said that I was a child of Greeks and Romans-"

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