Chapter 2

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August 4th
Hey mom,

My first day here just ended. We had dinner at the mess hall and I miss your food already even though I have two lunch boxes filled with cookies. By 'we' I mean Frank, Clarisse, Reyna and I. They're my new friends. We are going to cut our hair tomorrow, all together.

It's weird to have friends now when I didn't have any friends in New York. They're nice, even though they can be a bit angry. Mostly at themselves. Frank accidentally stubbed his toe and instead of shouting out in pain and cussing, he just whispered like, 'Clumsy Frank, always so clumsy.' Reyna too, she walked against the door with her shoulder because someone cut in front of her. Instead of screaming out to the person she just smiled and told us that she was to blame, she hadn't watched out if anyone would be faster than her. Clarisse is just angry.

She might be bitter about being here but I hope we help her with it.

We're going to join the MMA club, to find a way to get all my energy out, just like you said I should. They also have a swimming pool, but the teams are for high schoolers. Soon enough though.

I did my very best writing this to you, I hope that you can read my handwriting. I miss you already and love you.

Love always,

In the envelope, Percy made sure to add the pamphlets, already having a shared one with Frank. That way she can know what she's up to. He had to copy down the swimming pool hours though, just so he remembers to check in whenever he can. He put the envelope on the corner of his desk, neatly tucked into a stackable tray.

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August 11th
Dear mom,

Thank you for dropping off those cookies. Bribing the administration was smart, they loved the cookies as well and are asking when you're coming by again soon. They love you already and know me as 'cookie boy'. My friends say thank you for the cookies too.

The first week of school was tough, but your letter got me through it. I still stand by the fact that I miss your food, Clarisse tells me to stop whining but she has never tasted your seven-layer dip before so she doesn't get to have an opinion.

The first training for the MMA club happened, just now. I showered so don't worry, I'm not as smelly as my neighbor roommates. It's a bit concerning how much they smell. Anyways, MMA club, the others were all better than I, somehow they already knew the techniques. I had to work a little harder to really understand them.

Schoolwork is nice, our electives start next week, I did tell you about those right? Maybe, I'm not sure. Anyways, I actually chose one! Unlike other times where I just wanted free hours, I actually chose ancient languages.

I'm kind of excited. I have never been excited for a class mom, except maybe swimming. I wanted to say P.E. but at my old school P.E. wasn't nice at all. It was standing in groups and talking until the teacher gave up blowing the whistle at them.

Here everyone has to join in everything. The teachers are strict but they know how far they can go? Like a limit.

I Miss you dearly.

Love always,

He tucked away the letter in his pocket as he shouldered his bag. Looking over at Frank who was sitting at his desk, ready to up and go. It was time for their first trip outing as a class, they had chosen for the military museum. They had unanimously chosen for that option because the flier mentioned that it had a VR game to show how it was in the trenches.

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