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Everyone remains silent with shock or surprise from the sudden slap, before Emily broke it. "You don't know anything about him! Your don't know anything of what he's done or the reasons he did it! You don't know what he went through or where he came from! You. Don't. Know. ANYTHING!!!" Yelled Emily. Yang looked at her in anger before shooting up, making her body visible, making Connor turn away. "And you do?!" Yelled Yang. "The ones who truly love him does! You say he's a monster, murderer or anything else but you are! Your the reason he has scars! Your the reason he had nightmares or panic attacks, your the reason everything happened! You and your family! Hell the reason there are people in your family we talk to is because Connor forgave them! You and Tom hurt him to the point were he is where he is now!" Yelled Emily.

"He killed our sister!" Yelled Yang. "By accident! His attention wasn't to hurt her!" Yelled Charlotte. "You don't know shit!" Yelled Yang. "No you! You don't know what Connor went through! He cares for many people and he lost them! He saved me many times from people!" Yelled Yukihime. "He saved me from a kidnapper and a spy a while back!" Yelled Alicia. "He saved me from a boy who wanted to marry me for my body and fight for me! For us!" Yelled Fuko. "He helped me when I was being eletricuted and didn't care that he was poisoned." Said Akira. "H-He saved me from gangs and their leaders and from poison given to me by that Issei person..." Said Rin. "Everyone who is friends with him or love him he saved many times! Hell he cares for others more then himself! You have no idea what he can do or gonna do for the ones he loves! I even know for a fact that even if he hates you, he'd save you if you need it cause he's human! He's better then you say he is!" Yelled Emily.

Yang growls, getting up and walked towards the exit, grabbing her towel. "I ain't having this! Come on guys..." Said Yang. Just then, everyone Yang was friends with/other girls from the trio that was in the bath but Yang turned back, seeing Ruby still in the bath. "Ruby, come on." Said Yang. She didn't get up. "Ruby, get up, now! As your big sister, I command you to get your ass out of there!" Said Yang. Ruby turns to her, making Yang jolt, seeing Ruby looking at her in anger. "No..." Said Ruby. She growled in anger, exiting the bath, leaving Connor's female friends, girlfriends and Ruby inside the bathtub. "I don't know why she's like this...she doesn't know anything like you said." Said Ruby with a sigh. She looked up to see a someone by a rock. "Um...is someone there?" Ruby muttered. Connor jolts. Everyone approached the rock and looked around it to see... "I can explain..." Said Connor.

Later that night, as Connor ate dinner, he felt the eyes of everyone around him, looking at Connor confused. "Um...Connor?" Asked Zero. Connor turns to him. "What the hell happened to your face?" Asked Zero. Connor's face was red and lumpy from the slaps he got at the bath. "Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to." Said Connor. Connor continues eating as he heard snickering coming from people who he figured were the ones who switched the signs to the baths. "What's so funny? Thinking of how you were spying on the girls as they bathe?" Asked Connor. The room when silent. ""What?"" Asked the girls besides Connor's friends, lovers and Ruby. "Yeah, when walking I saw them climbing the fence from behind the resort and looked into the females bath." Said Connor. They went to speak when the girls throw some stuff at them, hitting them and call them "perverts" "Creeps" "Pigs" And more, making them have to run from the dinning area where they were eating but the girls weren't done yet and run after them. "Payback bitch..." Said Connor.

Connor was currently in his room, laying down and look up at the roof. "I know your there." Said Connor with a sigh. Connor turns to see Yang by the door. "We need to talk." Said Yang. Connor sighs, turning away and look up at the ceiling. "Make it quick...I'm tired." Said Connor. She got closer as she reached behind her. "You made my sister hate me...I want some pay back." Said Yang. Connor sighs. "You gonna beat me? If so go ahead...that's all your good for." Said Connor. She smirked before Connor saw her face inches from his whole she had a knee on the bed. "Oh...I'm not giving you that punishment this time..." Said Yang. Suddenly, she lunged her hand at Connor and he felt a sharp pain as he felt something go into his neck and within moments, Connor felt nothing from the neck down. "W-What did you--" Connor cuts himself off when seeing Yang beginning to undress. "You know what's gonna happen." Said Yang.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now