Chapter 6

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They arrived at the famous Wayne mansion in under half an hour.
Black asphalt road giving way to the gravel driveway.
They passed the lush woodlands that surrounded the manor, before arriving at the wrought-iron gates of Wayne manor.

The car rolled past the beautiful floral garden that surrounded the Queen Anne style manor. Rich viridian grass and flowering shrubs made Selina feel as if they'd driven deep into the countryside. When they'd actually driven half an hour outside of Gotham.

"Do you like it?" Bruce asked, following her gaze. His hand brushed against hers.

"Yes, it's beautiful here." She breathed.

The car pulled up to a stop and a uniformed man opened the door.
White gloves and a suit told Selina this was the infamous Alfred Pennyworth.

"Thank you." She accepted his hand and stepped out of the car. Gravel crunching under foot.

"Miss Kyle." The butler replied with a polite nod of his head.

Bruce opened his own door. Retrieving her bag from the trunk, he appeared beside her.

"Selina, this is Alfred." Bruce explained, a hand on her lower back.

Alfred bowed. "Alfred Pennyworth. At your service."

"Your reputation precedes you."

"As does yours, miss Kyle."  The butler replied smoothly.

Bruce grinned beside them.
Happy they were getting on already.
It was clear he was more relaxed here. No prying eyes, just his father figure and his girlfriend. Selina supposed.
Up here, the manor was secluded. Away from prying eyes and cameras. He was always in the public eye, either as Bruce or as Batman.

"Alfred, is her room ready?"

"Yes, master Bruce." The butler inclined his head.

"Wonderful. Thank you, Alfred."

"It's my pleasure, master Bruce."

Alfred stepped aside and Bruce led her inside the manor.

Stone steps led up into the house. Dark hardwood floors and ornate plaster walls of the lobby.

They stepped into a lobby with grand arching staircases.
A large silver chandelier hung above the center of the room, sending sparkling light along the walls.
There was no doubt the Wayne family were rich.
Not a single shred of doubt, that Bruce was a billionaire.

"Wow" Selina breathed in awe.

"Come on, this is just the lobby. You haven't seen anything, love." Bruce exclaimed proudly.

Selina raised an eyebrow and followed him down the hall. Alfred silently in tow.

The exterior of the manor was simple, queen Anne style. But the interior was notably modern. Dark contemporary, Selina guessed.

The hallway opened up to large open plan kitchen and lounge room. On the right was a sprawling black leather lounge and a glass coffee table, sat infront of a large fireplace. Above the mantle sat a large abstract painting of black, white and red.
On the left was the large granite bench top. The kitchen. Solid black stone, marked with white and silver flecks. Married with a plain black glass, back-splash. Dark wood cabinets and simple gold pendant lights.
Every inch was luxury.

"Selina?" Bruce called from further down the hall.

She nodded, still looking around the room for another moment before she followed.

Selina was in awe. When was the last time she'd been surrounded by such luxury?
Her mind wandered to all the designer shops she'd robbed but it didn't feel the same.

He led her up another set of stairs, down another hall.
This house seemed to go on forever.
Countless rooms, Countless dollars.
How did Alfred take care of it all?

"This is your room." They stopped by a dark wooden door on the right. "Alfred will get you settled in."
He handed the bag to Alfred, who took it inside. The door opening to reveal a large bedroom.
Black king-sized bed on the left, opposite double windows and a balcony; that overlooked the grand estate.
It even smelt expensive.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower and get changed. I'll be back."
He pressed a kiss to her cheek, before disappearing back down the hall.

Selina walked into the room. Taking in the simple, yet luxurious room.
Mahogany night stands, gold sconces. How the hell had a street cat like her, ended up in a place like this?
She shook her head, astonished.

Alfred had disappeared. She frowned turning to see open double doors that led into a grand walk in wardrobe.
Selina's mouth hung open as she saw the endless empty racks, draws and table. There was even a seat.
It looked like she'd walked into a shop.
Of all the designer clothes that had passed through her hands, over the years. Together they wouldn't even completely fill this wardrobe.
It was a dream.

"Master Bruce, suggested this bedroom because it had the largest wardrobe. He hopes it will suffice for your tastes."

She scoffed quietly. Too busy gaping to give a proper reply.

Alfred chuckled. "I'll take that as it suffices."

He continued to hang her clothes on the rails.
It was almost a joke.
Two shirts, two pants and a pair of panties were all neatly put away in a grand empty wardrobe.
It was like she'd been robbed and they'd only left those.

"Yeah, it's incredible. I'm not sure how I'll fill it though." She shrugged with a frown.

Alfred turned to face her. His hands clasped behind his back
"Don't worry miss Kyle. Bruce will make sure it's full soon enough. He has quite the giving nature."

"I can tell." She ran a manicured finger along one of the rails.

The butler fell silent for a moment. Lost in thought.
"It'll be nice to have a new face at the manor, miss Kyle. Too long has this house been empty."

She nodded with a small smile. "It's nice to be staying somewhere I'm welcome."

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